This week, the symfony community announced three new symfony conferences. Jornadas symfony in Spain and Symfony Camp in Ukraine will be both held on July. Moreover, it was announced the first online conference about symfony, which will detail the current state of Symfony 2 and will unveil its real killer feature.
Development mailing list
- Discussions about Symfony 2: Renaming setCulture to setLocale across the framework and Create symfony 2 sandbox script
Development highlights
Symfony 1.X branch:
Symfony 2.X branch:
- 1a3790a: [Foundation] normalized app name for use in a class name
- 12328a1: [TwigBundle] updated the bundle to work with the latest Twig version
- 6261cc2: [DoctrineBundle] fixed bad examples in doctrine:generate:entities help output
- 227653f: [TwigBundle] added the javascript token parsers in the helper extension
- r29716: [1.3, 1.4] fixed default.css styling
Development digest: 76 changesets, 13 bugs reported, 2 bugs fixed, 8 enhancements suggested, 1 enhancement closed, 1 documentation defect reported, 7 documentation defects fixed, and 17 documentation edits.
New Job Postings
- Senior / Lead Symfony Developer at GoodCrush - full-time based in New York, USA - Contact: jobs [at] goodcrush [dot] com
- Experts Coders: is a company of young dynamic people staged in India with a view to have mutual benefit in offshore web application development solutions. We provide web application development solutions for the development, deployment, integration and management of your various web base business applications.
New symfony bloggers
- Elao Team Blog (feed) (French)
- New plugins
- sfProjectAnalyserPlugin: outputs several statistics about your symfony project. (applications, modules, actions, code length, queries, coding standard alerts...)
- ioDoctrineMenuPlugin: adds a Doctrine menu model with admin area.
- rsPluginLoaderPlugin: lets you manage your plugins in a yaml file.
- y0AdminExpandPlugin: with this plugin, you can insert object_actions response bellow the row of admin tables. For example, to display long details from an object, or show relationships, or a log.
- pmPropelGeneratorPlugin: decouples the admin generator and the forms framework by delegating the module behavior to the form. Also, adds to the admin module the show action.
- mtAlertPlugin: start using the JavascriptBaseHelper instead of the JavascriptHelper, updated README, mails are now validated before trying to send, fixed a problem with the 'mtAlertMessagePeer::doSelectConfigurationCriteira' which prevented from fetching the user configuration, the alerts are not filtered anymore by user configuration in the 'getForAuthenticatedUser', fixed 'Hide permanently' functionality
- sfImageTransformExtraPlugin: removed some obsolete but costly part of code, removed all example routes and left only default @sf_image all others are commented, added class check for sfImageSource classes as set on routes, adapted tests
- sfDoctrineDynamicFormRelationsPlugin: updated README
- sfPropel15Plugin: added a way to customize the new form in an embedded relation form, switched propel dependency to 1.5 branch, added support for vendor data in schema.yml columns
- sfAlyssaJqGridPlugin: fixed an error with HEREDOC in templates
- atolExt3WidgetPlugin: added ColumnLayout and its parent ContainerLayout classes (which extends PluginExt3Base), added TabPanel class which extends PluginExt3Panel, modified PluginExt3FormSchemaFormatterExt to allow form widgets to be placed into defined Ext layout containers, added supporting methods to PluginExt3FormDoctrine and PluginExt3Base
- sfExtjsThemePlugin: refactored action sort and jsonCombo methods
- ExtjsGeneratorPlugin: added IconMgrPreview module, fixed routing problem with index.js, fixed columnRenderer::renderLink primary key not camelized causing problems with primary keys other than id, switched gridpanel stateid to use route_prefix instead of modulename, added support for one to one and many to one foreign columns defined in the generator, added credential checks to filter fields, object_actions fixes to have them show when no list, properly disable, and handle no actions because of credentials, switched default gridpanel forceFit to false, file formatting updates
- bhLDAPAuthPlugin: fixed bug preventing the first login for each user
- dsExtDirectPlugin: Removed error handler causing issues with external libraries
- sympalProject: final version of sfValidatorSchemaIf
- diemProject:
- core: fixed possible issue when synchronizing pages
- admin: fixed segmentation fault with PHP 5.3
- core: fixed issue when synchronizing pages could try to delete nodes and these were not found
- front: check that a page is loaded when using the layout helper
- core: added helpers for Diem form assets inclusion
- core: fixed usage of deprecated method in dmValidatorDate and add unit tests
- apostrophePlugin:
- aImageConverter::cropOriginal now offers optional arbitrary cropping parameters
- initial cropping prototyping
- the media repository backend now supports cropping parameters in image URLs
- gd now shrinks one axis rather than expanding one axis when asked to crop-and-scale to a different aspect ratio
- fixed syntax error in aCrop.js
- added Set Crop and Cancel buttons to cropping interface
- Add Page form now includes engine and template fields
- cleaned up aMenuToggle
- fixed getOriginalWidth 500 error
- new admin bar page settings and add page interfaces
- added width and height attributes to the image tag output by getEmbedCode in PluginaMediaItem.class.php
- added aMediaItem::getImgSrcUrl
- apostropheBlogPlugin:
- single post blog slot now searches for titles correctly via slots rather than looking at the obsolete title field
- fixed a logic problem regarding the slideshowOptions arrow in the slot component classes
- fix for new categories validator
- fixed form class methods to properly match method signature of doctrine parent classes
- removed edit categories link when editing events and posts
- fixed inconsistencies in blog and event sidebar tag counts
- sfSimpleGoogleSitemapPlugin: tweaked data escape, support using @routing instead of module/action for prettier URLs in the sitemap
- Aftabparast: (Persian) classified ads site
- Fußball T-Shirts: (Deutsch) T-Shirt Website
- Treppenlift: (German) Stair lift Portal
- Allt om juridik: (Swedish) a guide to find you local legal councel/lawyer in Sweden
- Habitissimo: (Spanish) a multinational one-stop shop website for homeowners planning to build or renovate their homes
- (Deutsch) editorial maintained directory
They talked about us
- Is There Search Without Sphinx
- PEAR, Zend, Symfony – when and when not to follow a standard and for what reasons
- Конференция Symfony Camp UA 2010
- JSON avec Symfony
- Symfony Japan web site is released!
- Publicada la Guía definitiva de Symfony 1.4
- Se anuncia una gran sorpresa relacionada con Symfony 2
- Embed Relation Forms in One Line with sfPropel15Plugin
- Se publican Symfony 1.3.5 y 1.4.5
- El poder de los formularios Symfony
- sfPropel15Plugin: видео урок по редактированию в backend вложенных форм с использованием mergeRelation и embedRelation
- symfony 1.3.5 and 1.4.5 released and available at ServerGrove
- Symfony 1.3.5 et 1.4.5 : correctif de sécurité
- La primera conferencia de Symfony desborda todas las previsiones
- Jornadas de symfony, can you think of a better way to spend your day?
- 日本Symfonyユーザー会設立のお知らせ
- Rilasciato symfony versione 1.3.5 e 1.4.5
- Advanced data filtering with Symfony 1.4 and ExtJS 3.2
- Unit testing in Symfony
- Symfony 2 – L’injection de dépendances
- PHP Symfony, Comment définir un groupe avec sfGuardDoctrinePlugin lors d’une inscription
- symfonyのfunctional testを携帯のUserAgentにしよう
- Сниппет: загружаем переменные app.yml из CLI task в symfony
- Symfony – Autoload.yml – Basic Usage
- Deploying symfony Applications with Capistrano