Doctrine Bundle focused most of the Symfony2 development activity this week. In addition, symfony 1.x branches switched from Doctrine to Doctrine_Core in their ORM plugins. Meanwhile, Symfony2 documentation dropped markdown in favor of reStructuredText for its markup. Lastly, symfony project is looking for translators to help translating Symfony2 documentation.
Development mailing list
- Discussions about sfValidatorSchema::preClean() doesn't return values, Load DoctrineBundle defaults only once, Symfony 2 javascripts and stylesheets helpers improvement and sfOutputEscaperObjectDecorator limitation / bug in symfony and symfony2
Development highlights
Symfony 2.X branch:
- 29e083e: [DoctrineBundle] fixed failing DoctrineExtensionTest related to container not calling freeze()
- df8ccb4: [FrameworkBundle] added an event to filter the controller arguments
- 7dc5ae3: renamed request path property to request attributes
- 3ec9005: [Templating] fixed misnamed variable that caused some double-rendering problems
- e35d345: changed HttpKernel workflow to allow more flexibility
- f12e574: [Routing] simplified RouterInterface
- fb55f7b: [HttpFoundation] set httponly to true by default
- 6142700: [HttpFoundation] cookie domain shouldn't be required
- ee9a5db: [DoctrineMongoDBBundle] finished implementation of DoctrineMongoDBBundle to support multiple connections/document managers plus refactoring and cleaning up code along the way
- ef070d0: [DoctrineBundle] refactored DoctrineBundle to match DoctrineMongoDBBundle
- 1366396: [DoctrineBundle] adding missing cache driver configuration for each entity manager
- 1caabe1: [HttpKernel] fixed content-type management for ESIs when charset is part of the response content-type header
- r30441, r30442: [1.3, 1.4] changed registration of Doctrine autoloader to use Doctrine_Core
- r30444: [1.3, 1.4] updated doctrine plugin to load Doctrine_Core rather than Doctrine
- r30445: [1.3, 1.4] added a check whether doctrine is already loaded to allow use of a compiled core
Development digest: 107 changesets, 26 bugs reported, 7 bugs fixed, 2 enhancements suggested, 1 enhancement closed, 7 documentation defects reported, and 12 documentation edits.
- NationalField: is a Washington, DC based technology company revolutionizing the way people work through the use of the hierarchical social network.
New symfony bloggers
- New plugins
- sfCampaignMonitorPlugin: provides easy integration for Symfony apps with Campaign Monitor.
- sfHarmonyPlugin: allows to communicate easily between different platform or application.
- sfExtraLoggersPlugin: additional loggers for projects developed using the symfony framework.
- gbSlugExtraPlugin: adds differents ways to do slugs (removes useless short words from slug).
- fzBlameablePlugin: provides integration with sfGuardUser and relation alias from sfGuardUser to created/updated model.
- sfGuardMessagesPlugin: allows you to create messages to specific groups or specific users.
- sfErrorNotifier2Plugin: a refactored version of sfErrorNotifierPlugin. It catches all kind of errors like exceptions, fatal errors, notices, memory limits and so on.
- sfDoctrineTreePlugin: removed redundant code in actions/actions.class.php, added doctrine version check to handle findRoot() deprecation, removed useless function sfDoctrineTreeActions::getTree()
- sfUnobstrusiveWidgetPlugin: fixed typo in sfUoWidgetFormTextarea example
- ahDoctrineEasyEmbeddedRelationsPlugin: fixed empty record creation when new form is empty, don't validate relation forms that marked for delete
- sfiCalCreatorPlugin: extend the README with a detailed documentation, added unit tests, added configuration file, changed create_component functions and changed object to valid ical rfc strings
- gbBotDetectPlugin: added configuration and usage section, added function for custom myUser class
- sfSphinxPlugin: updated main lib to version 1.10-beta
- sfAmfPlugin: updated generator classname, delete generate() override, refactored Propel tasks, removed value object task builder, implemented sfAmfPlugin Doctrine generators, added sfAmfPlugin Doctrine service templates, removed Service dependency, Doctrine generator use schemas instead of model classes, refactored Propel and Doctrine service generators, better implementation of packages
- sfPropelVersionableBehaviorPlugin: small fixes to make plugin compatible with Symfony 1.2.x
- lyMediaManagerPlugin: added number of files and number of folders counters in icons view, added dedicated layout for file browser popup used by TiniMCE, auto-rename of uploaded file when another file with the same name exists in folder, changed sfWidgetFormLyMediaTinyMCE to automatically include TinyMCE related javascript files, created thumbnail_image_path helper, fixed wrong path of images inserted from TinyMCE file browser when front controller is not located in Document Root
- sfRedisPlugin: sfRedisDoctrinePager: changed parameter tableMethod functionnality
- dsExtDirectPlugin: fixed issue where scalar tree requests might generate an error
- sfTaskExtraPlugin: added doctrine:compile task
- axCronPlugin: fixed catching php fatal errors, added renice command
- sfAdminDashPlugin: small improvements to js and css, added a component slot for the dashboard action
- sfPropelTaggableWidgetPlugin: used clickable labels for tags, altered validator to attach tags to object, updated readme to reflect changes to validator options
- sfTrafficCMSPlugin: stopped quoting numeric values so that spreadsheets don't treat them as strings, fixed double quotes escaping
- pxWymeditorPlugin: removed automatic loading of jquery javascript (use app/settings/view.yml instead)
- diemProject:
- fixed adding images by browsing files in admin record form
- apostrophePlugin:
- removed the assets added in the Pre-Execute in BaseeMediaActions and put the 'a' helper in the media Index Success
- fixed a bug where global slots in the layout were editable in Admin areas
- fixed a bug for applying a single-image class in the slideshowSlot
- cleaned _area.php and _globalTools.php
- created a secureSuccess.php file in Apostrophe that will work just like the bundled error404Success.php
- apostropheBlogPlugin:
- made new fields start_time and end_time for events
- added new time widget
- (Deutsch) platform concerned with housekeeping and gardening
- Como Group: (English) Melbourne's premier Digital Agency, a major PHP/Symfony development house. The website is based on Diem CMF/CMS 5.1
They talked about us
- Default form values for new objects
- test complessi con sfTesterDoctrine
- Symfony Code'n'Coffe (Август) Москва
- sfWidgetFormChoiceChileanBanks
- Circular table relations in a symfony project
- Travailler avec les relations Many to Many de doctrine
- Open Source Your Career, my story
- How can i use field credentials for symfony admin generator forms?
- Creating simple excel explorer
- Like Ruby n' Rails
- miMergeEmbedFormPlugin
- Doctrine con columnas en mayúsculas
- Letzte offene Symfony Schulung in 2010
- Расширение классов маршрутизации в Symfony
- symfonyドキュメント翻訳温泉ツアーに参加してきました。
- Symfony Almost Live
- Kropka i myślnik w linku aplikacji pisanej w Symfony Framework
- 13 symfony のインストール
- Symfony observe_field on radio button (radiobutton_tag)
- Le livre « A Gentle Introduction to symfony » au format ePub
- Jornada Symfony: Como gerar o sitemap XML automaticamente
- symfonyのコマンドラインで出力幅を広げる
- Vim: ちょこっと設定、ちょこっとプラグイン。
- Видео с конференции на yandex video
- Symfony 1.4: Ejecutar Consultas Sql Después De Cargar Tus Fixtures
- Symfony学习笔记一基本东本
- Integrating mediawiki with a symfony project symfony 1.3
- Evolving PHP Frameworks
- Permission In Backend Symfony Application
- Executing SQL after loading your data fixtures in symfony 1.4
- PHP5.3で非推奨になった機能や関数をざっくりあぶり出すワンライナー
- 国外主流PHP框架比较-CodeIgniter、CakePHP、ZendFramework、Symfony
- Introducción al manejo de eventos con Symfony
- symfony 2 documentation team looking for translators