Annotations shined this week: Symfony2 routing component added an annotation loader, a new experimental FrameworkExtraBundle was released to support annotations for controllers and development mailing-list hosted a discussion about defining services with annotations. Unfortunately, this week we also found out that Symfony2 will probably delay its launch date until the next Symfony Live Conference (3-5 March 2011).
Development mailing list
Symfony2 development highlights
- 2914c44: [DoctrineBundle] replaced "Entities" with "Entity"
- e71eec3: [DoctrineMongoDBBundle] removed some mostly unnecessary calls to json_encode from logger
- 7c1b42e: [DependencyInjection] added a way to inject an anonymous service in an extension configuration
- 4f33761: [HttpFoundation] added request matcher
- 0b378d1: added a way to conditionnaly enable the profiler based on the request
- 1719bfb: [DomCrawler] fixed URIs being incorrectly generated
- 26e4b2e: [Finder] fixed randomly failing tests due to the order files are read from the filesystem
- 179fe8e: fixed Symfony\Component\Routing\Route::setRequirements() _method requirement can be an array
- 1443d4a: [HttpFoundation] updated getQueryString() to work in more scenarios
- eb7cbb7: fixed exception HTML markup
- 2f8db91: fixed webprofiler on Windows
- df98a22: [DoctrineMongoDBBundle] added support for more Mongo and ODM types
- 1304940, b753ea4, c39534e: [Routing] added an annotation loader
- 4d669d1: [Validator] changed Xliff loader to get XSD locally
- 5155321, e6b0d54: [DoctrineMongoDBBundle] added symfony proxies for Doctrine ODM schema:create and schema:drop console commands
- c53ebe7: [Form] fixed Form::bind() when no values are submitted
- 40c0fe8: [Form] added a FileField
- fc9325a: fixed file upload
- a141c98: [HttpFoundation] moved File Component into the HttpFoundation one
- 6fc9b68: [Form] Replace unset() with non-destructive logic in case the "choices" option is an object
- 2b776bf, e52cf7a, b3648b2, 9f5469f: [Form] added several unit tests
- 9be7cbb: [Form] CollectionField::setData() should remove old fields missing from new data
- fb24b29: [Form] FieldGroup::addError() can now map errors to fields within nested FieldGroups
- b9a7b7e, c537fb9: [DoctrineBundle, DoctrineMongoDBBundle] fix mapping dirs
d326c39: [Form] fixed default CSRF token generation as a token must be tied to the user somewhat - 226277f: added a way to activate CSRF protection from the configuration
- 74bc9d4: [FrameworkBundle] made csrf_secret parameter optional
New job postings
- Senior PHP developer with Symfony experience at Skylab - full-time based in Manchester, United Kingdom - Contact: careers [at] studioskylab [dot] com
New plugins
- vjMoreTimestampable: provides an advanced timestampable behavior to use more than created_at and updated_at fields (ex: validated_at, deleted_at, archivated_at).
- sfRestWebService: offers an easy interface for REST API based on your domain model.
- pmSuperfishMenu: provides the functionality to create dynamic menus using Superfish (based on jQuery).
- sfYAC: Query-caching plugin based on tags system. Requires only simple configuration in schema file.
- sfI18NGettextPlural: interprets the plural form formula, that's usually located in PO/MO file's meta data section, removing the need to specify the same formula whenever you use format_number_choice.
- sfDoctrineMultiDBMigration: adds new tasks to manage Database migrations when multiple databases are defined in database.yml.
Updated plugins
- bugs fixed with autoplay/autobufferng config options
- moved thumbnail creation functions to a dedicated class
- removed some functions from 'tools' class
- added breadcrumb support
- added model and modules for subpages and configuration
- improved SEO for subpages
- added tdLink model and module
- fixed README
- logging comments in doctrine purge
- updated roadmap and README
- fixed RenderActionsBar was using deprecated select_tag()
- fixed a js syntax bug affecting Chrome and Safari
- added a container around the typeahead input + add buttons
- rewrote Taggable::preloadTags to work with any DB vendor
- added possibility to define custom test suites for the test-all task
- added hints for best practices of the phpunit.xml
- added return values of the PHPUnit command line executions
- added rel=shortlink fetching
- better count of visits
- added generation of PDF thumbnails
- fixed slash on relative URLs not working on Windows
- mod make action prototype more strict
- added dcWidgetFormAjaxDependence and dcWidgetFormPropelAjaxDependence
- updated README and ajax dependence widget
- now uses original image if the same size as the final image
- correctly loads images without blurring on db reload
- fix for incorrect ratio thanks to Nicholas Tipping
- Removed extra markup that caused date widget to not automatically save the post when changes were made
- reworked blog admin markup to share a-subnav-wrapper and inner divs with the media admin and subnavigation
- re-worked the markup for blog admin layout
- edit view forms are now AJAX loaded when the edit button is clicked for vastly better performance in browsers that are adversely affected by too many FCK instances
- moved the JS out of reorganizeSuccess and into a.js
- refactored the JavaScript associated with the up and down arrows
- added iframe to the list of tags allowed for media embed code purposes
- added _doNotEdit.php partial to layout.php for easy toggling of the editing message for staging sites after we launch production
- added app.yml flag app_a_do_not_edit true/false for toggling the doNotEdit partial
- fixed menu toggle for Add Page so that you can actually add a page
- automatic open of rich text editor when you add a rich text slot is back
- fixed invalid markup around the settings submit buttons
- refactored aMenuToggle in aUI.js (moved it to a.js and made it work with all of the menus)
- refactored some browseHistory JS to be in a.js
- created globalJavascripts partial to load some general JS at the bottom of layout.php once instead of every time a partial is used
- fixed a bug with the apostrophe.menuToggle calls in _area.php
- enhanced apostrophe.menuToggle to fail gracefully if the toggle button is undefined
- fixed the cancel button for menu toggles so that they work even in the form was added later with ajax
- fixed the route on the multipleList edit button to fix a 404
- unifying subnavs sidebars and select areas
- fixed a longstanding subtle issue probably present in most PHP applications: if you try to upload something that exceeds your php.ini post_max_size setting, the entire POST array is empty, leading to confusing results
New symfony powered websites
- Yonococino: (Spanish) online restaurant aggregator
New symfony bloggers
- Raphael Burnes (feed) (English)
They talked about us
- symfony crons and cron task logging
- High Performance Mobile Symfony
- [Widget] sfWidgetFormTimeAndClear
- WebExpo bude nejvýznamnější konferencí o webu ve střední Evropě
- sfTaskLoggerPlugin updated for symfony 1.4
- symfony file upload - leave original file name
- Did you know there are loads of configuration options to symfony routes that the reference book is not telling you?
- Full highlighting functionality with symfony, Geshi and TinyMCE
- Using fabric to deploy symfony application
- Creating mobile symfony sites
- MVC in symfony 1.x : the geek, the artist and the businessman
- Why you should not handle your symfony form inside a component
- PHP: Symfony 2 jusqu’à dix fois plus rapide que la mouture précédente ?
- symfony Workshop – How to handle a form from a component in an action
- Symfony: прячем фильтры в админ-генераторе
- Propel2 Will Be an ActiveRecord Implementation Based On Doctrine2
- Así funciona Symfony por dentro
- ¿Es posible combinar las licencias GPL y MIT?
- Symfony with SaaS
- Finding the right symfony documentation
- Using HTMLPurifier in Symfony 1.4
- More Videos From Spanish Symfony Conference 2010
- Symfony: External libraries shared for all modules
- Symfony 2 & Facebook: часть 1, первый проект
- L'avenir de PHP vu par Frédéric Hardy
- Installing & configuring Symfony Framework in Ubuntu
- Practical symfony 6 дахь өдөр More with the Model (орчуулсан: Ариунсүлд)
- SYMFONY 助手 (Helpers)
- A Symfony Plugin for Generating Charts using Googles Visualization API (sdInteractiveChartPlugin)
- Beschreibung der symfony Form widgets and validators
- Symfony2 event dispatcher
- MOONGIFT : Symfonyに関するニュース、ブログを集約する「Symfony-news」 オープンソース・ソフトウェア/フリーウェアを毎日紹介
- Symfonyに関するニュース、ブログを集約する「Symfony-news」
- Making Objects Linkable in symfony
- Passing a propel criteria to the symfony routing function that retrieves the object
- symfony 1.4を試してみた
- How to Write a symfony Plugin
- Symfony 1.4 + Codeigniter = Symfony 2
- Is it just me or is Symfony2 gaining momentum?
- Capturar evento logout y login en Symfony
- Good Symfony 1.1 Forms Introduction
- Cómo embeber formularios en symfony sin sobreescribir métodos
- Funciones js en config.yml