Symfony2 focused this week on internationalization: a new Translation component was introduced and the Twig bundle added helpers for translations. Meanwhile, the templating notation was modified to always include the renderer name and the Validator component eased its validation annotations.
Development mailing list
- RFC - config file by host
- Anybody know how used Route Collection?
- |safe confusing
- Will AOP ever be part of SF2?
symfony 1 development highlights
- r31002: [1.3, 1.4] added call to parent::preExecute() to generated admin action classes
Activity summary: 48 changesets, 16 bugs reported, 1 enhancement closed, 5 documentation defects reported, and 6 documentation edits
Symfony2 development highlights
- 866c306: removed the message interpolator system in the Validator component (i18n management should be done globally, not in a specific component)
- eb942c8: [ZendBundle] fixed translator configuration
- 86b6aff: [Form] fixed bug that prevented setLocale from working
- a305eb0: [Form] added support for rounding-mode option on NumberFields
- 9e84f45: [Form] fixed decimal rounding in IntegerField (instead of rounding half-up, act as an integer cast would and always round down)
- b2e4b45: [Form] added support for stdClass objects
- aaba52d: [FrameworkBundle] made all Router options configurable
- b890c34: [FrameworkBundle] fixed file detection and formatting in Code helper
- 6317ddf: [ZendBundle] removed translator support
- a753790: [Translation] added the component
- d6f55c3: [TwigBundle] added helpers for translations
- d3aca1c: [FrameworkBundle] added support for the Translation component
- 9580c74: [Validator] changed the convention for placeholders in messages to be compatible with Twig (from %limit% to {{ limit }})
- 7072054: added an IdentityTranslator to make it possible to always relies on the translator service, even if none is configured
- 9e50782: fixed request data collector
- 4ac65ce: [Translation] renamed Range to Interval
- a6dc10c: changed templating name notation (old notation: bundle:section:name.format:renderer, where both format and renderer are optional; new notation: bundle:section:name.format.renderer, where only format is optional)
- 6aa190b: [OutputEscaper] added SafeDecoratorInterface
- 3b1e833: [Validator] removed the convention that error parameters are delimited with %%
- 7b9a523, 6dc6d4a, 68bff2d: [TwigBundle] fixed trans tag
- 4297609, 3ce8ad1: [TwigBundle] moved translator helpers to their own extension (removed usage of the magic _view variable context)
- eff1bdf: [TwigBundle] made trans and transchoice tags more flexible by accepting variables
- 416bd78: [TwigBundle] optimized calls to helpers
- 0fc8906: [Validator] forced all validation annotations to be in the validation namespace to avoid collisions, removed the need for the wrapping @Validation annotation
New job postings
- Symfony Developer/LAMP Developer at - full-time based in Sycamore, IL, USA - Contact: jeff.pipas [at]
New plugins
- sfPropel15ActAsSignableBehavior: adds support for "created_by", "updated_by" and "deleted_by" columns in your Propel 1.5.x model.
- sfDoctrineChoiceChain: provides a helpful sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoiceChain widget with the corresponding validator and module.
- brFormExtra: widgets and validator suited for Brazilian users (sfWidgetFormChoiceUFBR, sfWidgetFormSelectCheckboxStates, sfValidatorCpfCnpj, sfValidatorChoiceStates, sfValidatori18nDate).
- sfToodledo: a Toodledo API plugin.
- drTwitterFeed: makes fetching status updates from a user by accessing the Twitter API really easy.
Updated plugins
- added list.formatter option into new admin generator
- added toggle functions to groupinglistview
- fixed ux.progresscolumn for IE7 not in quirksmode
- removed hardcoded objectActions column header
- progresscolumn tweaks
- added config for objectActions
- added config option to disable bottom_toolbar
- started adding isDisabled and getExtends config methods to all javascript components
- fixed ability to turn of rowstriping and trackmouseover with listview
- rowactions tweaks
- fixed some routing issues
- updated security config file values
- added icons for audio and video assets
- added output of title
- added some SEO tweaks
- force image quality of 95
- fixed bug to not crop if image exactly right size already
- fixed bug when adding image to a new album
- fixed generator class
- added external column sorting and multi sorting
- added per action fieldsets and per action layout
- added support for sf 1.3, 1.4
- fixed slashes were allowed in media item slugs due to an undocumented feature of the Doctrine sluggable behavior
- media item delete links now reference the item by id rather than by slug
- extended the flexibility of _mediaItem so that it is behaves differently in indexSuccess
- create a new apostrophe.mediaEmbeddableToggle() function that runs once in indexSuccess creating the behavior for the thumbnail to toggle the embeddable item
- persistent global toolbar option in app.yml
- media can now be edited with ajax
- sdded tag/categories button
- updated gradient on buttons to use white and not grey
- made the description box smaller on the Media Item form and removed the lable
- added visual feedback for replace file dialog
- fixed a bug with linkAttributes and the ajax edit in place
- added merging to aCategoryAdmin
- renamed apostrophe.get_categorizables in PluginaCategoryForm to a.get_categorizables
- cleaned up the media edit form
- extended the media top bar through most of the Success views for consistency
- abstracted uploadAllowed and embedAllowed to BaseaMediaTools so it can be used with aforementioned
- Apostrophe now recognizes JPEGs with an EXIF orientation hint
- getEngineCategories fix for when aPage.admin is null
- renamed the category-related events for consistency with our other events
New symfony powered websites
- Generation One: (English) Not for profit organisation set up to end the disparity between indigenous and non-indigenous Australians
- Küchen Atlas: (Deutsch) Küchen Atlas Portal Betriebs GmbH, backend powered by Symfony
They talked about us
- How to implement a flexible home page composition admin tool with LooseCoupling?
- Symfony2 podría retrasase hasta marzo
- Uporządkowane wysyłanie e-maili w projekcie symfony
- Deploying symfony projects to ServerGrove shared hosting accounts
- Generador de pruebas para modulos symfony
- sfImageTransformExtraPlugin used on – first site I know of but haven’t been working on myself
- Magic has a price, but it doesn't need to be your life
- gjPositionsPlugin – homepage composition in a nutshell. First iteration is done
- Dynamic Propel/Doctrine connection
- Did you know that you can sort your doctrine relations by setting an orderBy option in your schema?
- Upgrading a Symfony2 application to PR3
- Where to define ON DELETE CASCADE in your Doctrine schema.yml to avoid #1451 foreign key constraint fails
- update record changes with sfDoctrineActAsSignablePlugin: Signable behavior
- MongoDB + Symfony – jak skorzystać ze świetnego NOSQL?
- symfonyで携帯端末用のテンプレート切り替えを実装する
- PHPの開発フレームワーク、symfonyでの開発手順って、ぶっちゃけ、大雑把にいうと、こんなかんじ? と思った(symfonyのバージョン、1.4)
- Formulario de contacto
- Autenticación LDAP en Symfony
- Антипаттерны Symfony
- Gource software version control visualization – Symfony 1.4
- Symfony Tip: Decimals in your schema.yml
- Nächste Woche: Symfony Day 2010 in Köln
- Symfony2 : Présentation et notions de base
- Instalar y generar Proyecto en Symfony STEP III
- Symfony использование миграций doctrine
- Symfonyでの開発手順って、ぶっちゃけ、こんなかんじ?
- symfonyでのプロジェクトの作成 | PHPプログラマのバリ・ポジ情報ブログ
- Symfony: Comment corriger l’erreur « Can’t create table (errno: 150) »?
- symfonyのアプリケーションの作成
- Actualización de Symfony 1.3.8 y 1.4.8
- Symfony2 Controller Testing