This week the symfony community gathered around the Symfony Day 2010 conference. The event hosted many insightful sessions and the Symfony2 CMF meetup. In addition, a new major component of Symfony2 was introduced: the Firewall component, which provides authentication and authoritation for applications.
Development mailing list
symfony 1 development highlights
Activity summary: 43 changesets, 14 bugs reported, 10 bugs fixed, 7 enhancements suggested, 1 enhancement closed, 2 documentation defects reported, and 13 documentation edits
Symfony2 development highlights
- 2525998: replaced form field rendering with plain templates
- ff683a6, 3bc3115: integrated new data fixtures code
- caa9d82: [HttpFoundation] added support for attributes in RequestMatcher
New developers for hire
- Scenic City Labs: is a web application development company with 10+ years of experience. We are currently based in Chattanooga, TN. We use symfony for the majority of our projects but can custom tailer any application to whatever you desire.
- Tejaswi Sharma ( I am Tejaswi Sharma and I am working in PHP/MySql/Apache for 4 years and symfony for 2 years. Feel free to contact me if you have any issues in symfony.
New plugins
- themeTwentyten: TwentyTen Wordpress theme version under symfony sfThemePlugin.
- sfPrintableForm: Make a form printable version.
- sfPLValidators: Provides validation of polish specific codes (NIP, Polish tax identification number and Pesel, Polish human identification number)
- acHostDependant: provides the ability to have different configuration depending on the hostname.
- fpBackup: (no description)
- pokretWidgetFormDateTimeWithAmPm: (no description)
Updated plugins
- added sfDoctrineGuardPlugin behavior
- added query method to fetch tags and tagging counts for various a set of taggable models
- modified TagTable::queryTagsWithCountsByModel to be more compatible with existing doctrine relations
- fixed Iterators for escaped arrays stop when a false value is encountered
- added function to merge two tags
- improvements in tdSubpage
- fixed sorting route generated url
- added listpanel loader
- added Listview CheckboxSelection ux and checkbox selection support to ListView
- updated ListView RowActions css
- added ListView override to fix a bug with IE (can be removed when ExtJs 3.3.0 is released)
- added ListView support to batch actions
- added tasks to create admin modules in an existing plugin
- refactored loading of sfApplicationConfiguration instance
- added helper method for debugging
- fixed the impossibility to remove the value for the sfWidgetFormJQueryAutocompleter
- removed srValidatorSlug (deprecated by aValidatorSlug)
- cleaned up the widget class
- fixed javascript error on button click
- allowed for output escaping to be turned on
- new helper for ckeditor browser
- updated readme with instructions how to use sfAssetsLibraryPlugin as CKEditor file browser without other Plugin
- updated readme waiting for deploymet of sfAssetsLibraryPlugin with CK Editor addon
- now translates help messages from forms
- fixed some syntax bugs
- initial version of aTagAdmin
- styled the feedback you get after using the Replace File feature
- if the update's timestamp is no good, don't attempt to strtotime() it
- moved the ajax submit function to a.js to get it out of the edit partial
- created apostrophe.linkToRemote so we can begin replacing all of those inline jq_link_to_remote() functions
- working on getting editing working correctly in the four-up view in Media
- added disqus partial includes to layout.php
- made it easier to override default behavior of aCategoryAdmin
- page editing permissions have been completely overhauled (a big win for large sites with many editors)
- slideshow slots now support displaying everything with certain categories and tags as an alternative to browsing for individual images
- removed Image slot
- renamed Slideshow slot in BaseaTools as the first step to unifying aImage and aSlideshow
- updated instructions for choosing a photo or photos with the slideshow slot
- new aMediaItem::getImageAvailable method is preferred to checking for a width before trying to display a thumbnail
- fixed some of the default dimensions issues in the button slot
- adjusted four-up behavior for non-images
- created active states for the View settings so you know which one is selected
- the new view permissions are roughed in and working
- fixed potential bug in category merging
- added category merging to tag admin
- moved slide show image ordering into Slot classes
- integrated disqus comments
- added orderBy to aEventActions:buildQuery
- added 'Preview' to the Blog and Events admin
- added a max_per_page setting to aBlog and aEvent in app.yml
- BlogItem::getMediaForAreas() now respects slide show ordering
New symfony powered websites
- Blidoo: (English) a generalist classified ads site
- (Polish) website of an entertainment company
- EticWeb: (French) our site offers to reduce the carbon footprint of individuals while minimizing travel-related purchases, sales and barter of goods and services
- Reflector Guide: (English, Spanish, Finnish, Russian) site about pedestrian reflectors
- Työkyvyntuki: (Finnish) work ability service for medium sized companies
- (Russian) place where journalists and publishers buy\sell articles
- (English, Finnish, French, Russian, Swedish) a Workshop for All Men And Women Seeking to Share Knowledge Across Borders
New symfony bloggers
They talked about us
- How to make symfony use a different login page depending on your current module/action?
- Symfony filter forms and related tables
- Easy list ordering / sorting on any field
- Logging MongoDB queries using Symfony2 and Doctrine ODM
- SfDoctrineGuardPlugin bug: Unknown method SfGuardUserTable::retrieveByUsername
- symfony & Doctrine behavior review
- How to define a default value in your schema.yml when using the Doctrine data type Array
- Doctrine query caching causing 'Invalid parameter number' error for queries using 'IN ?'
- Thank you for PHPMatsuri!
- Setting up a symfony project with PHPUnit on Hudson
- Ocari, le CMS français orienté presse, pour les gens de la presse
- Projet planté ? Demandez l'aide d'un gourou de l’open source
- Symfony Parallel Content Delivery
- Symfony – file uploads with custom names and paths
- Creating indexes for your Doctrine ODM documents with Symfony 2
- Relaunch der softSCIENCE-Homepage
- symfony day 2010 in Cologne
- JustMarried : mise à jour de Symfony2
- El estado actual de Symfony2
- Doctrine and Zend Framework
- Extendiendo el sfActions de Symfony 2/2
- Formularios en Symfony
- Symfony, cron and HTML emails (getPartial from cron)
- Come gestire pagine statiche con symfony
- 絵文字のためにsymfonyのカスタムハンドラーを作ってみました
- Add properties to a relationship – Dealing with forms in symfony 1.4
- まずSymfony中。
- Symfony 1.4 quick commands
- Desenvolvendo um módulo de contato no Symfony 1.4
- Установка и конфигурирование php-фреймворка symfony
- Dialogos con Jquery y symfony
- 5 pasos para trasladar aplicación Symfony a ambiente de producción
- Doctrine Nested Sets in Symfony
- Saving Multiple Objects With One Form in symfony
- symfony框架实战视频:60分钟开发一个CMS
- Creating an arbitrary pulldown filter