Symfony2 committed this week two huge changesets related to the Security component: fixed user refreshing after unserialization and added authentication trust resolver. It also committed two small but important tweaks: the new hash syntax for Twig templates and the new format for XML attribute names.
Development mailing list
- [Symfony2] hashing password
- [Symfony2] RFC: Merging field groups into a form
- Symfony2: what is the recommended way to start a new project
- [Symfony2] password field prefill
Symfony2 development highlights
- 984a857: [Validator] fixed the static method loader to not repeat the loading when the static method is in the parent classes
- 131b3fe: [Form] refactored Field and FieldGroup to facilitate modifications in subclasses
- e80aa9a: [Form] fixed the data in a CollectionField is resized down if fields are removed
- f73b6b4: [PropertyPath] fixed usage of __get() and __set() when accessing properties that exist in the object but are not public
- 1b2ca25, af291bb: [Validator] fixed string-based constraint validators to accept empty values
- e49cc36: [DependencyInjection] fixed interfaces can now also be defined on containers which are built with an Extension and interface injection can also be used on classes that require constructor arguments
- 48e3053: added exception when a loaded YAML resource is not an array
- 504463c: [Routing] refactored PHP generator dumper code
- 7cb8dca, 5857576: [Routing] added . as a valid character in route names
- a7c8157: [HttpFoundation] added a way to retrieve raw body from a request
- abe8047: added authentication trust resolver
- 30f231d: moved default form template to the DIC config
- e6d0385: [HttpFoundation] fixed Request::create() when using HTTPS and getUri()/getPathForUri() when script name should be removed
- 02a92ec: [TwigBundle] added autoescape option in Twig configuration
- 84c7496: [DoctrineBundle] fixed createOrmProxyDirectory method
- 6970a46: updated Twig templates for the new hash syntax
- c9f08c0: changed all XML attribute names to take - instead of _ (everything should be consistent now)
- 3c692bd: fixed user refreshing after unserialization
New developers for hire
- e-Zest Solutions ( is a leading PHP software development company from India. With a bunch of dedicated and expert developers in LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP) technology makes e-Zest a great partner for low cost open source technology development company.
New plugins
- sfWindguru: is an interface to website. It allows displaying forecasts fetched from windguru website.
- sfRADIUSAuth: provides means to authenticate sfGuard Users against a RADIUS server.
- sfUserVoice: is an interface to feedback. It allows 'feedback' popup tab fetched from website.
Updated plugins
- released the first stable version
- released the fist version that handles basic functionnalities on file storage
- improved security
- fixed bug when cache directory not created
- added license and readme files
- modified form partial and stylesheets
- added a method to determine whether an object has any changelog elements
- updated some minor typos and made some little improvements
- promoted the plugin to stable
- don't need the routing object anymore
- enforced strong password with min length of 8
- changed the markup for tags output by the multipleSelect a little bit
- when the plugin_to_parse config is empty, no plugin is analysed (instead of all plugins)
- corrected bad warning reporting when using validateXXX methods and the compat1.0 plugin
- added a config option for the compat10 mode
- fixed a bug with report generation date
- added a detected value 'all' for the config parameter [plugin][to_parse] to parse all the plugins of the project
- updated package and README with new roadmap and ideas
- geshi customization can be made in app.yml file
- fixed date and time parsing to be more tolerant so the add to google calendar button always works as expected
- added Add to iCal, Outlook, etc. links for events
- added vcalendar support for Outlook 2003
- removed the separate partial for event title and slug editing since it was only used on the first load and was not different in any case
- moved the New Event / New Blog Post buttons into the sidebar
- created _meta partials for bundled Blog and Events templates
- updated markup for Blog and Events bundled templates, showSuccess, and indexSuccess to be more consistent between each other
- brought tags into Events template
- updated default time set for newly created events
- updated blog and events templates to better share a single _addThis partial
- updated blog and events templates to better share a single _tags partial
- updated sidebar markup to use a_button helpers for tags
- started aBlogConstructor JS modeled after a.js so we can build upon it as the blog evolves
- fixed bug with saving event engine settings
- removed query orderBy in blog and event actions
- added default ordering to createQuery in Event and Post tables
- fixed the slug got wiped out on every save of the blog post / event metadata form
- updated Blog / Events _sidebars to share markup more closely with Media _browser
- events and actions engines now support alternate page templates
- reorganized the blog and events sidebar form so the status field is consistent with the author field
- aDate::normalize now has an optional timeOnly flag (when this flag is true, only the offset in seconds from midnight is returned)
- removed include_stylesheets and include_javascripts calls at the top of the ajaxUpdateSlot partial
- published_at is now set when publishing pages
- clarified that aSlot::getText() should return real UTF-8 plaintext, not entity-esscaped text
- implemented aString::toVcal(), which returns a string cleaned up to be legal in a vcal or ical .vcs or .ics file
- aHtml::toPlaintext converts to a regular space rather than a unicode nonbreaking space
- help text for the categories list in user admin
- admin generator templates now generate save-and-list, cancel and delete buttons and label them as save, cancel and delete, matching common user interface standards
- sidebar buttons are styled properly for users, groups, permissions
- implemented aPage::getAllSlots() method allowing easy access to all current slots for the page in a neatly structured nested array
- fixed the Popup login form to use menuToggle like every other popup
- fixed styling for cancel button (missing X)
- updated the a-rss-feed button
- created a class for a-controls to stack them vertically
- started to update media _browser partial to match the blog sidebar
- uploaded thumbnails are once again allowed (though not mandatory) for videos from services we don't support directly
- updated the markup in Media _browser so that it is consistent with the sidebars in Blog and Events
- made the Multiple Select values behave like the rest of our similar interfaces
- engines can now easily support multiple variations individually selectable as "page types."
- the page settings form was refactored removing quite a bit of javascript code
New symfony bloggers
- Jason Longshore (feed) (English)
- Micayael's blog (feed) (Spanish)
They talked about us
- 10 Steps I do to fix a bug in a symfony plugin
- Propel Gets Better at Naming Things
- Speaking at Symfony Live!
- First stable release of gjPositionsPlugin for easy page composition with symfony and doctrine
- Easily generate excel files from a symfony action
- Custom values in sfWidgetFormDoctrineChoice
- Petit projet de série d’articles sur Symfony2/ESI
- Sensio Labs recrute de nouveaux talents!
- Propel Adds Support For Database Schemas in Version 1.6
- My technology setup for the next project
- Sensio Labs annonce les conférences Symfony Live 2011
- ServerGrove sponsoring Symfony Live 2011 / SF & Paris
- postDelete in doctrine
- Running Symfony 1.4 with MS SQL Server 2008
- symfony で普段使っているpluginをまとめてみた
- vim-symfony ver 0.10 についてのまとめ【決定版】
- symfonyのインストール
- フィードバックサイクルを素早く回すために
- Atelier 1: Symfony Framework
- フォームへカレンダーから日付を入力
- symfony2をローカルで動作させる環境をサクッと作る
- Symfony2 + MongoDB ODM を使ってみる
- symfony1.4(フレームワーク)について
- Symfony2 sandboxコミッターになった瞬間
- sfDoctrineMasterSlavePluginを使う時のTips
- AdminGeneratorで生成されるファイル