Symfony2 developers continued this week working hard to ease Doctrine2 integration: DoctrineBundle gained a new Registry class, a smarter command to generate entities and a way easier YAML configuration. Meanwhile, the Serializer component was refactored and some exceptions were improved.
Development mailing list
- [Sf2] Form: persistent file uploads?
- RFC: removing event constants
- [2.0 BETA1] Setting Errors on a Form
- [Sf2] Tweaking the Form component
- [Symfony2] Need details on why 5.3.1 is not supported anymore
- Symfony Book
Symfony2 development highlights
- 11cdff9: [FrameworkBundle] refactored container:debug command (use a dumper to serialize the container into the cache and don't display abstract services)
- 1cd83c9: [AsseticBundle] fixed _controller/ prefix when dumping assets
- d05c592: [HttpKernel] prevent errors leaking out in the console on windows
- 25d7009: [FrameworkBundle] treat all log messages >=ERR as errors
- a56ea15: [MonologBundle] added support for new Monolog log level
- d0e31b8: changed Application to have nice error messages when something bad happens early on the CLI
- 838853e: [HttpKernel] log 500+ errors as critical and not error (this allows to filter easily between 404 type of responses and real errors in applications)
- 6b5438a, 014b190: [DoctrineBundle] introduced a Registry class. The Registry knows all connections and entity managers declared into a service container. The Registry is available via the 'doctrine' service and it can be used to get connections and entity managers by name.
- d2a9b23: [Routing] fixed routing when a pattern has only one segment which is an optional variable
- 0139a80: [HttpKernel] prevented output on the console when running the test
- ca4c135, ec226cd, 0cdd6ca: [DoctrineBundle] made doctrine:generate:entities smarter (now it's able to generate classes based on a bundle name, a class name, or a namespace. It also generates the repository class when possible)
- 27d02a7: [Routing] fixed regression (/ should not be matched by /{foo} when foo has no default value)
- 0147df6: added translation for European Portuguese (Portugal)
- 2c28767: [DependencyInjection] fixes a bug when requesting a definition that uses property injection
- 17aa0ed: changed the default httpOnly value for cookie for better security out of the box
- f7808de: [DoctrineBundle] moved more DIC definition into orm.xml
- 1cfed9e: added translation for Estonian
- eb50d76: [Form] fixed variable scope when entering nested form helpers. The consequence of this commit is that variables are accessible that have been passed to a surrounding form helper
- 86d0ddb: [DoctrineBundle] split Registry::getEntityManager() in two methods (instead of implicitly reset an entity manager when it is closed, the developer should reset it by hand if he thinks that this is possible)
- bf1dfbb: [Form] the form component should now guarantee to always pass an UploadedFile object to your model. There you can call getOriginalName() to retrieve the original name of the uploaded file.
- 3cc5d9f: [Form] split the option modifiable of the collection type into allow_add and allow_delete
- 74cca63: [Form] CSRF fields are not included in the children of a FormView anymore if the view is not the root
- ae46150: [HttpFoundation] added support for X-Forwarded-Port request header
- b7c8442, d9299e9, dfd5b65: [DoctrineBundle] made Doctrine metadata configuration easier (you can now configure your Doctrine metadata in one single file named 'doctrine')
- aba8f1e: [ClassLoader] added a debug class loader
- 0f0e581: [HttpKernel] added a Kernel::init() method
- ca3c5e6: moved ErrorHandler management to the distributions
- 3f69333: [HttpKernel] refactored the ErrorHandler class
- 486ecdc: [Config] some exception improvements
- daeedb5, 62c0b10: search engines should not index Profiler and Exceptions pages
- ec1199e: [Serializer] updated SerializerInterface
- 919f16a: [Serializer] added support for Traversable objects
- ded30a2: [Serializer] split supports in supportsNormalization and supportsDenormalization
New plugins
- sfPhpThumb: simple plugin You can generate resized image and also cache it.
- stPhpConsole: integrates Symfony Framework with Google Chrome extension "PHP Console" and PhpConsole class.
Updated plugins
- fixed a bug affecting IE
- fixed a serialize problem
- force the menu to be on top
- add more filters in product
- added a few classnames to the tag lists so that they can share the CSS for used for the buttons
- changed repository layout
- doUpdateObject of aFormBuilder now calls the parent doUpdateObject
- helpers will be shared by all less stylsheets
- cacheVirtualPage and cacheVirtualPages now return the page or pages cached
- added sprited buttons
- tag sidebar updated to use re-factored "tags are really buttons" code
They talked about us
- Sensio Labs étoffe son catalogue de formations
- The *real* way to run Symfony tasks from crontab
- Sensio Labs propose de nouvelles formations Symfony2
- Annotations with Symfony2
- Erste offene Symfony2-Schulung im Juni
- Desvelada la primera sorpresa de las Jornadas Symfony 2011
- Setting up a PHP development environment with Nginx on Ubuntu 11.04
- One more time about symfony filters
- Symfony2: よりかんたんになりました」の記事を追加しました
- Writing a new Doctrine2 extension
- How to remove/unset the filters in an admin module
- data migration with symfony & doctrine
- Fabulous PHP frameworks: Qcodo, Lithium, Seagull, and Yii
- Silex – A Micro-Framework based on Symfony 2
- Настройка веб-сервера для доступа к каталогу symfony_data/web/sf/
- Symfony et l’AdminBundle – ça fonctionne!
- [rb]Custom doctrine count query
- symfonyを入れてみた
- OpenPNE を Mac とヘテムルにインストールする際に発生した問題解決メモ
- xampp上でsymfonyのテスト環境を作ったときのメモ
- Run a symfony task from an action
- Como configurar symfony 1.4
- Using Twig with Zend Framework
- Symfony2 book: Основы Symfony2 и HTTP / Symfony2 and HTTP Fundamentals
- symfonyでエラーとなったときのapacheログの見方
- [symfony][doctrine] Symfony1.4+Doctrineで配列をカンマ区切りで保存する
- symfony助手及助手参数
- symfony導入メモ3 モジュール作成、config、ルーティング設定などなど
- The right way to start sf2 learning
- Getting Configuration Values From A Symfony Task
- Symfony2 Forms : Personnaliser l’affichage d’un champ date
- Validador en Symfony2