This week Symfony2 development achieved another remarkable milestone: the official repository received its 1,000th pull request. Meanwhile, Doctrine bridge added a very convenient unique validator, Form component renamed, removed and simplified some properties and methods and lots of exceptions were renamed in other components.
Development mailing list
- Legacy form framework
- Disable WebDebugToolbar
- I can't entity's annotation mapping with entity_managers
- [Symfony2] what Bundles to bundle in the SE?
- Bundles Resources location bubbling
Symfony2 development highlights
- 39efc49: [Form] implemented a fluid interface FormView
- 336c57d: [DoctrineBundle] refactored doctrine:schema:* command descriptions
- e7e5304: forced all responses to have a Date header (RFC2616 - 14.18)
- 663f8a0: [AsseticBundle] added configuration for cssembed filter
- 914620f, b645278: [Form, Security] renamed CSRF page_id to intention
- 02e77ec: [Routing] moved Matcher exceptions
- b7c417f: [Bridge/Twig] removed the possibility to pass a message to the transchoice tag
- 0168241: [DependencyInjection] renamed NonExistentParameterException and NonExistentServiceException to ParameterNotFoundException and ServiceNotFoundException
- 2cd0454: [Routing] renamed some exceptions
- 1a49296: [FrameworkBundle] updated extension to use replaceArgument() rather than a parameter
- 84d5cbf: [AsseticBundle] added a --force option to assetic:dump --watch
- e65a453: [AsseticBundle] made --watch sleep period a command option
- cfc2471, 8ff1d09, 86f9b17, 23cf63d, a4f1b8a: [Doctrine] added Unique Validator
- ba31b5a: [Form] moved CSRF options from types to the CSRF extension
- ebb0e83: [Form] added CSRF documentation and a few CS changes
- 0687aad: fixed form configuration when no session is available
- a15e846: added a way to disable forms and forced validation to be enabled when forms are enabled
- 1f0ffca: [HttpKernel] fixed empty ETags showing up in requests to the backend when using HttpCache
- b39a21f: [Form] renamed collection option "type_options" to "options" to be consistent with the repeated type
- f467317: [Form] renamed view variable 'name' to 'full_name'. The variable 'name' now contains the local, short name (equivalent to $form->getName())
- 520e376: [Form] removed unused option 'pattern' of date and time type
- a7ff4f4: [Form] further simplified PropertyPath code
- 829aa4d: [Locale] improved error reporting and added stubs for intl_is_failure(), intl_get_error_code() and intl_get_error_message()
- 13a964a: [Form] Form::isBound() and Form::isValid() work correctly now for read-only forms
- 65ed6f7: added support for request method overriding via X-HTTP-Method-Override
- 7eeb945: [AsseticBundle] fixed various bugs in PHP templating and added new 'combine' option
- e74c6ed: [AsseticBundle] added config for packager filter
- fa248e0: [AsseticBundle] added config for cssimport filter
- e6d929a: [HttpFoundation] added __toString() method for Cookies
- f9b6c8b: [HttpFoundation] included cookie headers in string representation
- fd6c254: [HttpFoundation] changed checking for deleted cookie to be conform with setcookie()
- 5ad2ff0: [Console] added the possibility to pass a default value for DialogHelper::askAndValidate()
- f3b92cb: [FrameworkBundle] renamed Mustache to Generator and moved it to a new Generator sub-namespace
- e0ff7d2: [Form] tweaked the field type
- eb10c66: [Twig/Form] optimized form rendering
New plugins
- sfJwtPhpUnit: JPUP boasts robust database handling, unlimited extensibility over Symfony's sfBrowser class and user-friendly tasks for running collections of tests.
- sfNiceForms: implements Niceforms v2.0.
- sfTIMdetection: enables Tera-Wurfl device detection in your application. Upon detection you can assing special actions to be performed like redirect, add global vars or override views.
- cpDatePicker: provides a date picker widget based on Kelvin Luck's jQuery Datepicker, as well as other related utilities.
- alBBCodeParser: BBCode parser.
- cpFormulate: adds convenience methods to the sfForm class.
- cpUniForm: allows the rendering of forms using the UniForm CSS framework.
- cpTcpdf: provides the FPDI and TCPDF library, along with several convenience methods.
- cpDataTables: includes the dataTables jQuery plugin.
- cpTwig: includes the symfony Twig library into your project.
- cpCloudFront: provides helpers for including assets via AWS's CloudFront service.
- cpPropelAdminGenerator: an alternative admin generator for the Propel ORM.
- cpJwysiwyg: provides an HTML text editor widget based on the Jwysiwyg jQuery plugin.
- cpJqmodal: provides convenience methods to include a modal pup window based on the Jqmodal jQuery plugin.
Updated plugins
- updated README and relased 1.2.2 version
- added i18n in some texts
- added methods to the classes
- created version with bugfixes based on Pear package
- generated pear package
- fixed error with the 'show_when' parameter in custom list actions
- tabifier won't start unless two or more fieldsets are found
- fixed CSS of filters
- adding an extra empty partial afeter each row
- drastic memory usage improvement for sitewide search
- importer knows not to try to put virtual pages in the page tree (critical for blog import)
- aSql::insertPage now takes an infoOverrides array that is merged with the page info structure so you can set engine, published_at, etc.
- added an app.yml flag to disable consumption of incoming youtube tags app_aMedia_consume_youtube_tags
- restored the missing cancel button in the media search
- some leftover javascript needed to be moved into a.js and turned into functions
- fixed some titles and cleaned up some project specific language and styles
- added aPeopleAdmin to permissions
- added the first version of Wordpress blog importer
- put a span around the even location name to separate it from the button to add it to google in _meta
They talked about us
- Red Hat lanza la plataforma cloud OpenShift para código abierto
- Confirmados los primeros patrocinadores de las Jornadas Symfony 2011
- Symfony2 bundle structure, a use case
- Why every web developer should read the HTTP specifications
- Red Hat intros PaaS for open source developers
- Anunciado el programa del segundo día de las Jornadas Symfony 2011
- Silex の日本語ユーザーガイドとメーリングリストがオープン
- DI コンテナの Pimple の公式サイトがオープン
- Customize the route compiler for Silex
- Digging in Symfony2 Source Code with Textmate command
- Pdo-Connection unter Propel 1.4 & Doctrine 1.2
- Toureet技术选型之路及架构杂谈
- Symfony1.4.11学习笔记(四):数据模型 - [编程技巧]
- Fork symfony 2 validation library
- Hızlı, Esnek ve Tam Özellikli PHP framework symfony 2.0
- Symfony 1.4 no Ubuntu: configurando o servidor apache, instalando e criando uma aplicação
- Nette: Jak začít s Doctrine 2 (for dummies)
- Proyecto Symfony (Parte III, Diseño del modelo)
- Deploy проекта на symfony
- デフォルトでエスケープしている場合のタグ除去
- symfony : surcharger une fonction get dans le model
- Symfony2 – validation part 1
- More Sophisticated Symfony2 Login Redirection
- How you can learn from attending or speaking at conferences
- Symfony2 beta upload file
- When Dependency Injection goes Wrong
- Symfony doctrine:generate-module
- [PHP] Silex の WebTestCase でハマるポイント
- Symfony2 Web Applikationen erstellen: Teil 3 – Controller
- Doctrine 2 Data fixtures no tiene comando de consola propio
- PHP5 Symfony - сэдэвт практикт суурилсан сургалт
- How to configure Symfony 2.0 on Ubuntu Server 2011.4
- Using th native MySQL ENUM type in Symfony 1.4 and Doctrine
- an oddity with setDefault on embedded symfony 1.4 forms
- Apostrophe, un CMS Open source basé sur Symfony framework
- Symfony2: Translations
- Leophard (concepto)
- Symfony
- symfonyでsessionを使う基本
- Solucionex patrocina las Jornadas Symfony 2011
- symfony 1.4 installer
- Symfony und die Sicherheit
- symfonyでモジュール名を頭大文字にすると、機能テストのclickでこける
- Symfony task default context
- symfony.1.4 action内で作成した配列が、sfOutputEscaperArrayDecoratorされる場合の回避方法
- Symfony2
- Symfony url_for in ACTION
- How to send an Email 怎样发送邮件
- Symfony e grandi numeri: si ... può ... fare!
- webサイト
- Fabien Potencier (Sensio Labs) Symfony est le premier framework PHP intégré à Microsoft Azure