Symfony 2.0.0 version was finally released this week, marking the end of a fascinating journey that began 18 months ago. This release also marks the beginning of a bright future for the symfony project and its expanding ecosystem.
Development mailing list
- Dependency Injection Container Component documentation
- [Symfony2] ParameterBag and set data into array
- Symfony 2.1 and the 2.0 maintenance branch
- Tagging Bundles for the 2.0 release
symfony 1 development highlights
- r32835: [1.4] fixed when the renderer does not have the translate_choices option (see sfFormExtraPlugin for some examples)
- r32836: [1.4] fixed guessFromFileBinary in class sfvalidatorFile does not support MIME type including dot
Symfony2 development highlights
- 5219f81: use the parameter instead of fixed value when creating a RedirectResponse
- 0b3ff39: fix supported cookie date formats
- c53c169: added a CONTRIBUTORS file
- 3ea31a0, 85c0087: [TwigBridge] made the locale configurable for the trans and transchoice filters
- 04ac1fd: [Routing] changed UrlGeneratorInterface::generate() signature to allow passing objects instead of arrays
- 853935f: [HttpFoundation] made PHP_AUTH_PW optional
- c558b78: avoid rendering the ChoiceType separator if all choices are preferred_choices
- 07298ac: [Console] changed back to fgets() in DialogHelper
- 6773cd7: [Serializer] removed @api since its not yet part of the stable API
- e16ccaa: [SecurityBundle] added short description and help for the init:acl command
- ec9c0aa, 08072e4, 41fe826, f2e4d35: harmonized commands documentation by changing ./app/console to php app/console
- c3ebdbf: prepared Symfony 2.0.0 release
Repository summary: 2,696 watchers (#1 in PHP, #21 overall) and 700 forks (#1 in PHP, #12 overall).
New plugins
- sfBrowserFingerprint: a plugin to handle browser fingerprint.
- trSimpleTip: wraps simpletip jQuery plugin. This is as helper for generating simple tooltips.
- ddShoppingCart: provides the capability to create a shopping cart based website.
- sfDoctrineFileTrunk: (no description)
Updated plugins
- created the getAllCategoriesExceptRootQuery method
- fixed bug in PlugintdConfig table class
- added the action for title internacionalization and its parameters
- added class to access Googles ScatterChart
- updated base API to add new functions in Google's API
- added generateTagsTask method
- added documentation and a new option called 'tags-per-model' to the task
- added us date and formatted number sorting methods
- added natural order sorting
- don't crash if there is no routing object in the context when getMatchingEnginePageInfo() is invoked by createInstance() in a task
- actAsSubmit anchor "submit buttons" now correctly submit their own name and text as an additional hidden input
- notify an a.afterTreeMove event after moving a page in the tree via the reorganize feature
- refactored apostrophe.updating() in a.js to only require being called once in apostrophe.smartCSS()
- signingForm uses a_anchor_submit_button() helper with a-show-busy class
- the title option for the button slot accepts true, false, or a string. If it's a string, it will pass it through as the title UNTIL a new one has been set by the end user in the slot edit form
- blog heading area had no parameters for the slideshows
- added separate apostropheGenerateBlogTags to accomodate virtual pages
They talked about us
- Géolocalisation ou comment créer ses propres fonctions DQL avec Doctrine2
- Symfony2 Launch Party w Gliwicach
- Today is the day – happy birthday Symfony 2.0 final!
- Symfony2 launch party à Montpellier
- Symfony2 - La version stable est disponible!
- Symfony 2.0 released!
- Sensio Labs eröffnet Büro in Deutschland
- Symfony2, une nouvelle chorégraphie
- Symfony 2.0, finalmente!
- Symfony2 validation in XML
- Вышла финальная версия Symfony2. Ура!
- Zeitgemäße PHP-Entwicklung: Symfony 2.0 veröffentlicht
- Mi opinión oficial sobre Symfony2
- Symfony 2.0: początek nowej ery dla frameworków PHP
- State-of-the-art PHP development: Symfony 2.0 released
- Get objects and related count in one shot
- Instalando o Symfony2
- Symfony 2 disponible
- Celebrating Symfony2 With One Free Project
- Symfony 2 wydane
- Symfony 2: Doctrine prePersist Not Firing
- Symfony 2: Neue Version des MVC-Frameworks final
- Utilizar data fixtures en tus proyectos Symfony2
- Symfony2をインストールする
- Ya tenemos entre nosotros Symfony 2.0, ¡Aleluya!
- Symfony2 writing data-fixtures
- Symfony 2.0 Released
- Symfony 2.0 发布,PHP框架
- Symfony2 : la version finale du framework PHP est disponible, avec plusieurs améliorations de performances et de securité
- Comment passer sf_user à un formulaire
- PHP-Framework Symfony 2.0 veröffentlicht
- mmRackspaceFilePlugin: A Symfony 1.4 plugin to easily maintain files hosted in Rackspace Cloud File CDN
- Symony2 Response Object
- Symfony 2.0: początek nowej ery dla frameworków PHP
- Cum sa instalez sfDoctrineGuardPlugin in Symfony 1.4
- Symfony Functional Testing – Form POST and AJAX Request Testing
- Symfony 2.0发布
- CakePHP2 betaとSymfony2.0をパフォーマンス比較しました
- Symfony 2.0 wydane!
- Symfony 2 est sorti
- Symfony 2.0 Available for Download
- Symfony2: Release-Version erschienen
- Symfony 2
- Une première release stable pour Symfony 2!
- Išleistas Symfony 2 PHP karkasas
- Symfony 2.0
- Symfony 2.0 is now available
- Getting Symfony2 into the Cloud
- Symfonyでチェックボックスにはまる (Symfony 1.2)
- Symfony and Saving Serialized Objects
- Symfony2 launch party in Patras!!
- Ouvrir les fichiers Symfony dans son IDE depuis Firefox
- Symfony2 and .gitignore
- 10分ぐらいで学べるSymfony2 ~基本構造編~
- Symfony 2 from the eyes of a ZFer
- 第2回 Symfony温泉に参加しました
- 例外が起きる事をテスト
- Symfony2: Custom Authentication Provider
- Utiliser CKEditor dans symfony
- Symfony 学习网站