This week, we learned that Drupal project is considering the use of several Symfony2 components for its upcoming version. Therefore, Drupal could join other big PHP projects such as phpBB which already selected Symfony2 for developing its next versions.
Development mailing list
Symfony2 development highlights
- 86f888f: [FrameworkBundle] fixed https default port check
- 9f66263: [Console] fixed fixtures from failing tests
- ba6a09d: [DoctrineBundle] added a message in doctrine:generate:entities to notify people when a backup file is created
- 6738d2b: [FrameworkBundle] added information about exactly which cache is being cleared
- be031f5: [HttpKernel] fixed ControllerResolver when the controller is a class name with an __invoke() method
- 54999ef: [HttpKernel] made a small internal refactoring to ease extensibility
6e7439e: expanded namespaces within phpdoc (special for PhpStorm)(reverted) - 4f9d229: the trace argument value could be string (*DEEP NESTED ARRAY*)
- 81fb8e1: [DomCrawler] fixed finding charset in addContent
- 7ec533e, 7f3b6ba: [ClassLoader] got an if-condition out of unnecessary loops in UniversalClassLoader
- ae55a98: [Serializer] added $format in serialize() method, to keep consistence and give a hint to the normalizer
- 805a267: [HttpFoundation] removed Content-Length header adding for now
Repository summary: 2,809 watchers (#1 in PHP, #21 overall) and 727 forks (#1 in PHP, #12 overall).
New plugins
- csServiceContainer: (no description)
- sfMooToolsFormExtra: contains several widgets (and a validator) for use with the MooTools javascript framework.
Updated plugins
- updated S3Object model and form
- given the opportunity to remove captcha categories in an application
- fixed bug with only one image required to be selected
- fixed updated_by and created_by fields
- updated fpdi and tcpdf
- updated readme install
- single-line plaintext slots no longer get a 'p' tag wrapper
- cleaned up some of the blog slot edit view styles
- when autocomplete is working, the animation is displayed
- 20% speed improvement, especially when logged in by using named routes
- fixed media uploads
- missed a few URL_FOR calls when fixing the addthis / ogmeta properties for Facebook relating to events
- when clicking [x] Title on the blog slot edit view, it auto focuses the title field
They talked about us
- La puissance des data providers de PHPUnit
- Создание CRUD приложения на Symfony 2
- Basic usage of the symfony2 CollectionType form field
- [Symfony 2] Security Bundle – Benutzer mit username oder email anmelden
- Creating a custom form field type in symfony 2
- Symfony2: Executer les commandes console sur un Entity Manager spécifique
- Logrotate Symfony 2 Monolog Logs
- Symfony redirect throws an sfStopException so don't wrap the redirect in a try catch
- symfony: Przekazywanie dodatkowych danych do klasy formularza.
- Updating a database using an image onClick event in Symfony 1.4
- Cómo integrar Tiny MCE en Symfony
- Filtering Objects Using Annotations – Rafael Dohms
- PHP: Projet Silex – Ecriture de tests fonctionnels
- Symfony 1.4: Doctrine DQL Doesn’t Like Double Quotes
- [Symfony]ER図ツールとsymfony Modelを連携させる方法を模索中
- Symfony : pagination à partir de plusieurs requêtes doctrine
- Symfonyでmigrationのやり方
- Symfony 2 PHP Development Framework
- さくらレンタルサーバスタンダードへSymfonyインストール
- Doctrine2 et les fixtures dans Symfony2
- symfony 1.4 : faire un lien d’une application à une autre
- Symfony2 writing data-fixtures
- Symfony: Publish plugin assets
- symfony object route class: sfDoctrineRoute
- symfony embeded / merge forms
- Extensiones personalizadas en Twig para proyectos en Symfony2