Symfony2 development activity focused this week on fixing some minor bugs. Meanwhile, Propel ORM announced a brand-new version for one of the most used symfony 1.x plugins.
Development mailing list
Symfony2 development highlights
- 80d1718: [Form] Email() constraints now guess as 'email' field type
- 3dcb238: [Security] increased visibility of httpUtils property
- 1515912: [SecurityBundle] fixed autoloading in tests (autoload.php overrides autoload.php.dist when it exists)
- b6ee1a6: [HttpFoundation] fixed a bug when overriding method via the X-HTTP-METHOD-OVERRIDE header
- 8c9ccf6: [HttpFoundation] added more tests for Request::createFromGlobals()
- 6e7c375: [FrameworkBundle] tweaked schema file
Repository summary: 2,843 watchers (#1 in PHP, #21 overall) and 736 forks (#1 in PHP, #12 overall).
New plugins
- chCmsExposeRouting: allows you to easily expose all or part of application routes to the client side. On the client side, routes can be generated as simply as using url_for helper.
- drResponseTitle: makes working with the response title a lot easier, by allowing multiple parts, a separator and a reverse order.
- isicsHttpCache: translates some of the Symfony2 HTTP Cache concepts to symfony 1.x applications, including ESI support.
- drGoogleUrlShortener: provides a Google URL Shortener API implementation and some nice shortcuts for getting a short URL for a given long URL or vice versa, and also for getting some statistics about the number of clicks, etc.
- sfPropelORM: replaces symfony's core Propel plugin by the latest version of Propel, in branch 1.6.
Updated plugins
- tag:clean now removes redundant taggings (duplicate taggings of the same model/id/tag triplet)
- released 1.2.4 version
- updated aws plugin
- updated code for thumbnail logic
- minor bugfixes
- fixed radio boxes input
- don't show double tag counts if there are orphan virtual pages floating around
- fixed IE7 had display bug in media library
- added a helper that styles webkit scrollbars
- Viddler no longer checks its cache for media items it has no control over
- added another optional field to google analytics for tracking multiple domain names under a single analytics
- added a little more error checking / defensive checks onto apostrophe.linkToRemote
- aTools::lock now accepts an optional 'wait' flag, which defaults to true
- aHTML5 action class and base class no longer have potentially conflicting names
They talked about us
- Symfony2 Exception – DateTime::__construct(): It is not safe to rely on the system’s timezone settings
- Symfony blogger feed
- symfony custom configuration files
- doctrine act as signable plugin - new releases
- Announcing sfPropelORMPlugin
- Inconsistent behavior of symfony2′s form framework?
- Finally Through: symfony2 forms and CollectionType, make it dynamic!
- 【php】【symfony】【doctrine】各種マニュアルを読んでみる(3日目)
- Documentação Symfony2 em HTML Local, ePub e (quase) PDF
- COSCUP 2009 開源人年會小記
- Leophard, próximos pasos y dos dudas
- [Symfony 2] Security Bundle: Set User Locale on Form Login
- liens symfony
- Github’s 50 Most Popular Projects
- Symfony: Esconder los campos Timestampable de los formularios
- Migrate from sfGuard to FOSUserBundle
- Symfony 1.4: Login prin email nu functioneaza
- opOpenSocialPlugin 安定版 0.9.13, 1.0.8, 1.2.6 リリースのお知らせ
- Creando un login simple con Symfony2
- Kohana-style before and after methods in Symfony2
- [php]TDDBC Tokyo 1.7 for phpに参加してきた
- symfonyで行うたった一行で行うフォームvalidation
- opAuthMobileUIDPlugin 1.3.2 リリースのお知らせ
- Symfony 2 dans les bacs !
- Symfony 1.4, Component Caching and SOAP