This week, all the Symfony2 components were included in, a public repository for Composer, the package manager that soon will be used on Symfony2. Meanwhile, on the master branch of Symfony2 repository all the HttpKernel event listeners were updated to implement EventSubscriberInterface and the official repository surpassed the 800 forks milestone.
Development mailing list
- Standard Solution of serializing Doctrine Entity to json
- [Security] ContextListener logic for persisting Tokens
Symfony2 development highlights
- 8f15794: moved LocaleListener and RouterListener to the HttpKernel component
- 4539e5c: moved configuration of the default HTTP and HTTPS ports from RouterListener to RequestContext
- beda03b, 7a89d34: [HttpKernel] updated all HttpKernel event listeners to implement EventSubscriberInterface
- 6e4269f, 3aa7582, a2cf023: [Form, TwigBridge, FrameworkBundle] added the ability to specify the translation domain
- 73312ab: [Validator] the Type constraint now accepts the Boolean type instead of boolean
- cc76da1: [HttpKernel] fixed file profile storage when trying to read an empty token
- 5b69dae: [HttpKernel] fixed profiler file storage for children
- 3ca1ccb: [DoctrineBridge] removed the Xml and Yaml driver as they are now part of Doctrine
- 976f8b1: [HttpKernel] moved the Timer data collector to HttpKernel
- 08285ed: [SwiftmailerBundle] fixed email display in the web profiler when the message is not in UTF-8
- 2270a4d: [Bridge, Doctrine] added a catch for when a developer uses the EntityType with multiple=false but on a hasMany relationship
- 00cbd39, d8dfca2: [BrowserKit] fixed cookie expiry discard when attribute contains capitals
- 9d8046e: [Doctrine] UniqueValidator now works with associations
Repository summary: 3,182 watchers (#1 in PHP, #24 overall) and 803 forks (#1 in PHP, #13 overall).
New plugins
- sfCacophony: implements OAuth with PECL OAuth extension (an alternative to sfMelodyPlugin)
- sfFacebookSlider: facebook slider
Updated plugins
- fixed typo
- tweaked allow_extra_fields
- tweaks and fixes to chosen.js widgets
- added the alWidgetFormTimepicker widget (wrapper for the jQueryUITimepicker) and the corresponding validator alValidatorTimepicker
- updated README file to add timepicker explanations
- fixed a user who was a member of the editor group but not able to edit any particular posts could edit all posts due to an empty whereIn() call
- made sure there's a full app environment (including invocation of the frontendConfiguration class configure method) in aSyncStaticFiles task
- refactored a-admin generator filter styles
- fixed validated type of file uploads persists properly for Office files
- fixed mysql version of aTools::lock did not return a value properly
They talked about us
- Open Sourcing
- Konferenz zu beliebtem Framework: Symfony Day Cologne 2011
- Silex, Twig und HTML5 BoilerPlate
- Open Source Is Powering Pretty Much Everything
- Symfony 2 – Set Default Locale On Form Login #2
- A URL shortener in a couple of hours
- La seguridad de utilizar Symfony2
- Symfony2 service container: how to make your service use tags
- Symfony2: How to create a UserProvider
- symfony + Doctrine でi18n
- Symfony: sub-domains and front controllers
- OpenPNE3 opFreepagePluginプラグインインストール時のエラー回避方法
- Symfony 2: Créer un utilisateur depuis un contrôleur avec FOSUB
- Is there a specific situation when to use a PHP micro-framework like Silex