Symfony 1.4.15 was released this week, fixing a few bugs and demonstrating the strong support of symfony 1.4.x branch until its late 2012 deadline. Meanwhile, Symfony2 added a matcher and a command that help debugging router matching problems.
Development mailing list
- getRouter() instead of get('router')
- Official AdminGenerator?
- Making Symfony 2.0 forwards compatible
symfony 1 development highlights
- r33151: [1.4] fixed usage of mb_strlen in tasks
- Milestone 1.4.15 completed
- r33149: [1.4] added missing admin.delete_object event
Symfony2 development highlights
- 24b9392, 8cc3158: [Routing, FrameworkBundle] added a matcher and a command that help debugging matching problems
- 8fa061c: [WebProfilerBundle] added a profiler panel for the router
- 70e0dba: moved the Swiftmailer data collector to the Swifmailer bridge
- 9077f6a: [SwiftmailerBundle] replaced MessageLogger class with the one from Swiftmailer 4.1.3
- 95ec41b: [Console] made the defaults in Application more easily customizable
- f8065d1: [HttpKernel] added a way to get the original values returned by the router
- c2fa73d: [HttpKernel] removed the _route entry from _route_params
- cbb4bba: [Routing] fixed side-effect in the PHP matcher dumper
- 808088a: added the ability to use dot and single quotes in the keys and values
- 27d0809, e314931: updated Monolog to 1.0.2
- 6343bef: [HttpKernel] updated mirror method to check for symlinks before dirs and files
- 8dcde3c: [DependencyInjection] fixed int casting for XML files (based on what is done in the YAML component)
- 4bbb685: [DependencyInjection] added tests for Definition and DefinitionDecorator exceptions
- 80f0b98: [DependencyInjection] fixed DefinitionDecorator::getArgument() for replacements
- 851eb73: removed a ton of unused use statements
Repository summary: 3,282 watchers (#1 in PHP, #24 overall) and 836 forks (#1 in PHP, #12 overall).
Updated plugins
- fixed matching problem with quote_except value "function"
- added the pmWidgetFormPropelInputByCode
- added new aFiles::copy, aFiles::close methods that actually return false when things don't work
- added a new areaHideWhenEmpty option to areas and the standardArea component. If this option is set to true, it will not output any of the area markup on the page to logged-out visitors of the site.
- aTaskTools::setCliHost() now also supports https URLs: if app_cli_https is true, setCliHost() convinces Symfony to generate https URLs
- added a findOnyBy and findAllBy method to aMysql
- new app_a_feed_hide_identical_description doesn't bother outputting the RSS item's description if it is the same as the title
- no more js errors from linkUpdates if there is no confirm message
- fixed CkEditor behaves badly when you move slots. Moving edit views around in the DOM can cause unexpected behavior.
- app_a_enforce_minimum_width can be set to false to stop standardArea from setting minimumWidth to match width
They talked about us
- Back from Symfony Day 2011 Cologne
- What is Symfony2?
- Drupal just got a whole lot more compatible
- Drupal 8 staví na knihovnách ze Symfony2
- It's all about the community
- sfForkedDoctrineApplyplugin 1.5.10
- Symfony2: use a bootstrap file for your PHPUnit tests and run some console commands
- Symfony 2. Ограничение количества запросов
- Drupal 8 integra los primeros componentes de Symfony2
- Symfony 1.4 – sfImageFileValidator – validate image dimensions
- Presenting LyraAdminBundle
- LexikTranslationBundle, pour éditer vos traductions avec Symfony2
- How to use a symfony 1 layout from a different directory
- Auth checks and varnish
- Presentaciones Symfony en la PHP Barcelona Conference 2011
- How to install Symfony on Windows
- Se publica Symfony 1.4.15
- Symfony’s Serializer Component
- Drupal integriert Symfony-2-Komponenten
- How to customize form rendering in Symfony
- Interfacing The PHP World Would Be Good
- Symfony2: Obtaining the Request Object
- Getting Symfony2 to run under PLESK
- Ejecutar query personalizada en symfony
- Create a symfony widget like sfWidgetFormDateRang
- Symfony Day 2011 in Cologne (Slides)
- Mi configuración del servidor web de un sitio de Symfony
- What Symfonic Drupal means
- Ubuntu11.10 Symfony2の開発環境を作る
- sfCaptchaPlugin 1.0.4 has been released
- Practical symfony 12日目について
- Symfony Coding Standards Tips
- Symfony2 REST – reading data from PUT request