The last week of the year brought the release of Symfony 2.0.8 and the addition of streamed responses for the upcoming Symfony 2.1 version.
Development mailing list
Symfony2 development highlights
- de9d7d8: [FrameworkBundle] updated Italian translations for validators
- eef8a3c: [FrameworkBundle] changed the implementation of Controller::getUser() to be similar to the one from GlobalVariables::getUser()
- d12f5b2: [Routing] removed trailing slash support for routes that are not available for GET/HEAD methods (as the redirection will always occurs with a GET/HEAD request)
- 0038d1b, e44b8ba: [HttpFoundation] added support for streamed responses
- 473741b: added the possibility to change a StreamedResponse callback after its creation
- 887c0e9: moved EngineInterface::stream() to a new StreamingEngineInterface to keep BC with 2.0
- 3ef0594: [HttpKernel] fixed missing argument in MongoDbProfilerStorageTest
- e462f7b: [Templating] simplified PhpEngine as it cannot implements the streaming interface
- 3d5ecc0: [HttpKernel] added the path info in the request data collector
- b46114a: [WebProfilerBundle] moved the computation of the Router panel at runtime
- 66a18f3: [BrowserKit] first attempt at fixing CookieJar
- e5c44e2, 6aee905, 5b4e619: released 2.0.8 version
- eb2d6e6: [FrameworkBundle] updated Spanish translations for validators
- c92d75f, f458e96: [TwigBridge] changed composer.json max version for Twig
- 85ca8e3, 99011ca: [DependencyInjection] ParameterBag no longer resolves parameters that have spaces (They must be strictly "%some.parameter%" or similar)
- ced57d8: [Form] reverse transform doesn't take a second argument
Repository summary: 3,670 watchers (#1 in PHP, #22 overall) and 944 forks (#1 in PHP, #12 overall).
Updated plugins
- fixed cpUniFormPlugin
- updated MultiCellBlt
- fixed footer
- fixed watermark
- updated main lib to version 2.0.3-release
- fixed bugs for version 2.0.3-release
They talked about us
- Ya disponible el primer libro sobre Symfony2
- Une semaine symfonique #260 - du 19 au 25 décembre 2011
- Fixing failing Behat scenarios in large suites
- Support the global community
- Resumen de la reunión de desarrolladores (15-12-2011)
- 2011年最热门的开源PHP项目回顾
- Looking back at 2011
- programación en diem
- От symfony к symfony 2
- ideup! y la comunidad Symfony
- PHP ve Framework üzerine - Symfony 2, 4/...
- Simple Login with Facebook, con symfony 1.4 y doctrine
- Symfony ip-url zorgt voor poort 443 na formulier submit
- Symfony框架学习:快速入门
- Belajar Menggunakan Plugin Symfony
- Desarrollo Web Ágil con Symfony2
- 在windows上使用symfony创建简易的CMS系统(二)