This week, Symfony2 master branch committed a ton of fixes, tweaks and refactorizations related to Form and Validation components. In addition, Symfony2 official repository achieved a very remarkable milestone: 1,000 forks.
Development mailing list
Symfony2 development highlights
- a676598, 57cc531: [Form] added class LazyChoiceList
- 307f17d: [FrameworkBundle] code factorization in TraceableEventDispatcher
- 5aa5987: [Form] fixed form children are always validated in group Default
- dbd3a1b: [Security] allowed unsetting parentAcl on MutableAclInterface
- 1678a3d: [Validator] fixed Validator::validateValue() propagates empty validation root instead of the provided value
- 1dd302c: [Validator] fixed ConstraintViolationList::__toString() to not include dots in the output if the root is empty
- f904a9e: [Validator] fixed GraphWalker does not add constraint violation if error message is empty
- a103c28: [Validator] the Collection constraint adds 'missing' and 'extra' errors to the individual fields now
- de253dd: [Form] added read_only and disabled attributes
- fe85bbd: [Validator] simplified ExecutionContext::addViolation() and added ExecutionContext::addViolationAt()
- a30a679: [Validator] made ExecutionContext immutable and introduced new class GlobalExecutionContext
- 9153f0e: [Validator] deprecated ConstraintValidator methods setMessage(), getMessageTemplate() and getMessageParameters()
- 3c28ab7, c373d5b: [Routing] no prefix is required to override imported RouteCollections
- e9b4c58: [Console] enable process isolantion in shell
- 7cecb4e: [Form] added support for parent of FormBuilder
- 2e4ebe4: [Validator] renamed methods addViolationAtRelativePath() and getAbsolutePropertyPath() in ExecutionContext
- 7837f50: [Form] added FormUtil::singularify()
- 49d1464: [Form] implemented MergeCollectionListener which calls addXxx() and removeXxx() in your model if found
- 9b0245b: [Form] made prefix of adder and remover method configurable
- 9a4e22e: [Form] disallowed infinity in NumberToLocalizedStringTransformer
- d208f4e: [Form] made it possible to use models with only either addXxx() or removeXxx()
- b393774: [Form] used direct method access in MergeCollectionListener instead of Reflection to avoid problems when using class hierarchies
- 02f61ad: [Form] renamed choice and collection options 'adder_prefix' and 'remover_prefix' to 'add_method' and 'remove_method' and allowed to specify full method names
- 8dc40e4, 4847d3a: [FrameworkBundle] added config:dump-reference console command
58939f1, 9757958, 2f8ad93, fa32885: added configuration docs for TwigBundle(reverted) - bd461e2: [Form] forms now don't create empty objects anymore if they are completely empty and not required. The empty data for these forms is null
- 0753cee: [Form] fixed read_only attribute for expanded fields
- a1b6d4c: [DependencyInjection] added a failing testcase for escaped % in array parameters
- 048fc2f: [Form] fixed broken MoneyType test for JPY
- 8e13095, a7b48c0: [DependencyInjection] fixed the unescaping of parameters to handle arrays
Repository summary: 3,869 watchers (#1 in PHP, #28 overall) and 1000 forks (#1 in PHP, #11 overall).
Updated plugins
- fixed bug that caused page forms not to work
- refactored getEmbedCode() so it doesn't instantiate embed services twice and doesn't crash if the service URL is bogus and the width and height aren't known
- don't cache non-200 OK responses, it leads to SEO problems
- refactored nonrecursive version of aFiles::rmRf
- fix for XSS attack
They talked about us
- symfony range filter
- Silex: getting your project structure right
- Doctrine Sluggable and Transliteration
- Créez votre propre framework ... avec les composants Symfony2 (partie 10)
- Silex and MongoDB simply
- Loading Yaml Fixtures in Symfony2 and Doctrine2
- Une semaine symfonique #265 - du 23 au 29 janvier 2012
- Servicios REST usando Silex micro-framework 2/2
- Créez votre propre framework ... avec les composants Symfony2 (partie 11)
- Silex: set up your project for testing with PHPUnit
- Security – symfony 2 Tutorial – webdev’s Blog
- symfonyでバッチ処理
- Symfony Plugin #1: Act As Sortable
- Dynamic embedded forms in symfony
- Reset database before phpunit tests in Symfony2
- Symfony 1.4 Doctrine 1.2 MS SQL Server
- Symfony 2 auf dem Mac einrichten
- [symfony] HTMLタグを含む文字列をエスケープせずに出力する
- Symfony2 ExtJS generator – Uigen – (1. update) – type recognition
- How to reduce admin generator query in Symfony 1.4
- Symfony build model error: Unable to return affix for unknown CreoleType
- Login en Symfony sin usar sfGuardPlugin
- Form choice filter auto sort by name
- symfonyはじめました-symfonyのインストール
- Autenticazione con Facebook in applicazioni Symfony
- Symfony including extra libraries or classes
- Symfony 2 vs Code Igniter
- PHPメンターズ -> Symfonyで複雑なバリデーションを行う方法