This week, Symfony 2.0.11 was released to address a security vulnerability. Meanwhile, Symfony 2.1 development focused on Config and Translation components and continued adding PHP 5.4 forward compatibility. In addition, Symfony2 official repository achieved the 4,000th watcher milestone.
Symfony2 development highlights
- bca2b0e, b269e27: [Config] improved PrototypedArrayNode default value management
- cba2c33: [Config] improved error messages & extensibility
- 4feba09: [Config] implemented feedback
- 74ebd05: [HttpFoundation] fixed session.cache_limiter is not set correctly
- d339e74: [ClassLoader] added ability to incrementally register fallbacks
- e585ca7: [HttpFoundation] added forward compatibility for \SessionHandlerInterface
- 2871ea0: updated composer for HttpFoundation's PHP 5.4 forward compatibility
- 8e569dd: [Translation] moved ResourceBundleLoader to IcuRes/DatFileLoader
- b82862a: [Translation] added IcuResFileDumper
- e6e9b5a: [Routing] return the _route parameter from ApacheUrlMatcher
- 957bbcb: [WebProfiler] added default route to access the profiler more easily
- d02ca25: [MonologBundle] fixed a bug when adding a processor on a service handler
- 6e75fd1: [DoctrineBundle] resolved an issue with spl_autoload_register creating new copies of the container and passing that into the closure
- 66d0d3d: [FrameworkBundle] fixed a bug in the RedirectableUrlMatcher
- 3e64d36: [Serializer] fixed XML decoding attack vector through external entities
Repository summary: 4,002 watchers (#1 in PHP, #28 overall) and 1037 forks (#1 in PHP, #11 overall).
New plugins
- dsHtml2Image: plugin that utilizes the wkhtmltoimage unix utility to create snapshot images of web pages.
- brJqGrid: integrates jqgrid plugin of jQuery.
- sfRSS: simple plugin that creates RSS feed.
Updated plugins
- support for alternate port numbers for mysql
- updated layout
- added convenience methods
- fixed calling 'on_change' calback when the 'no_value_text' should be called
- modified return array to always contain either an 'item' or an 'error'
- made the smartslideshow controls consistent with the slideshow and reuasable slideshow controls
- added better selectors to vimeo videos
- aButton and aImage slots now support the maxHeight option just like the slideshow slot does
They talked about us
- Symfony2 testing with PHP unit quick tip
- (symfony) multiple select default value
- Recursos para aprender Symfony2
- Freie Web-Frameworks im Performance-Vergleich
- Guía de Symfony2 – El proyecto y los bundles – Capítulo 2
- Silex: creating a service provider for Buzz
- Desarrollo rápido de aplicaciones con Symfony2
- MongoDB, Doctrine and Symfony 2.0.11
- Como desabilitar o CSRF de um formulário
- symfonyでメタタグが表示されない
- Se publica la actualización de seguridad Symfony 2.0.11
- Setup Doctrine CLI
- Symfony 1.4: Cum interogam sintaxa MySQL in Doctrine 1.2?
- Symfony. 404
- [PHP]PHP5.4で非互換・非推奨になった機能や関数をざっくりあぶり出すワンライナ
- An introduction to Symfony
- Setting up a multi-user, multi-project development environment
- Capítulo2: El proyecto y los bundles
- 国外主流PHP框架比较 (CodeIgniter、CakePHP、ZendFramework、Symfony)
- Ubuntu11.10にXamppとSymfonyで開発環境を構築する
- Symfonyで2つのフォーム値が同じかどうかを比較するバリデート
- Symfonyセットアップ
- Autoload avec modération
- Creating Pages in Symfony2
- symfony2の導入
- Apprendre Symfony quand on est une brêle en PHP orienté objet
- symfonyとcodeIgniterの違い