This week Symfony project announced that Drupal 8 will adopt some of the most important Symfony components, including HttpFoundation, HttpKernel, Routing, EventDispatcher, DependencyInjection, and ClassLoader.
Development mailing list
Symfony2 development highlights
- ac2a187: [Validator] improved feedback for Upload Validator to cover all PHP error states
- 6788224, 38b79a7, 266f76d, 4a43453: [HttpFoundation] added JSONP support to JsonResponse and data and callback setters
- fc7c7f6: [Form] fixed min/max length guessing for numeric types
- a8e17fe: [Routing] code cleanup
- 979c02b: [HttpKernel] fixed MongoDbProfilerStorageTest
- a09deca, a1d8ff8: [Validator] updated Romanian translation
- 304e13d, 11585c3: replaced command names with supported placeholders in help texts
- 00ae766: [FrameworkBundle] added new french validators translations for the File constraint
- af65673: [Process] added support for non-blocking process control
- 14dd1a9: [Routing] made AnnotationDirectoryLoader deterministic
- e1362c6: [FrameworkBundle] made log output optional depending on the verbose flag
- c4dfe93: [HttpFoundation] made the host lowercase as per RFC 952/2181
- c1206c3, efa807a: [FrameworkBundle] subrequests should always use GET method
- 068e859: [TwigBundle] changed getAndCleanOutputBuffering() handling of systems where ob_get_level() never returns 0
- d42ae47: [FrameworkBundle] added Croatian validator translation for 2.0
Repository summary: 4,244 watchers (#1 in PHP, #29 overall) and 1107 forks (#1 in PHP, #12 overall).
Updated plugins
- Tags should be sorted in a case-insensitive fashion for consistency with the results of sorting them with MySQL and for general friendliness
- fixed aWidgetFormJqueryTime id conflicts with the date widget in an aWidgetFormJQueryDateTime combined widget
- apostrophe:ssh now works correctly when the other site already trusts your public key and no password prompt is necessary
- added is16x9() method which indicates whether the embed service in question is best when the aspect ratio is kept at 16x9
- added a special case to executeDelete to respond with a JSON status in the event of an XHR request
They talked about us
- CMF editor: overview, screencasts and live demo
- Bien utiliser les commandes console de Symfony2
- Symfony2: Creating a Metadata Factory for Processing Custom Annotations
- Guía de Symfony2 – Capítulo 6 – Trabajando con el Controlador
- Drupal's Plan for Open Source CMS Success
- Drupal Open Source is Built on Passion (and soon Symfony)
- Doctrine objects schizophrenia & the ACL!
- Drupal Bringing Open Source CMS To The Masses
- Une semaine symfonique #271 - du 5 au 11 mars 2012
- Symfony Framework
- Symfony2 w Drupal 8
- Symfony の Console の出力をテストする SpyOutput 書いた
- symfonyをインストール
- Symfony 部品化 パーシャルで変数を使う 初心者ですが・・・
- Symfony – Load Helpers in Action
- Symfony and MAMP
- symfonyでフロントアプリケーション名を省略できない
- Drupal and Symfony2
- Caching forms with CSRF tokens
- Inheritance with symfony and Doctrine ORM
- [PHP][Symfony2]データベースからデータを取得するカスタムFormTypeをサービスに登録して使う
- Rückblick 1. symfony Stammtisch in Berlin – symfony User Group Berlin
- Symfony2 deploy like Symfony 1.4
- Le trio Gitosis
- How to auto-generate Doctrine db migrations
- symfony設定ファイルについて
- Actualización de Symfony 2.0.12