This week, Symfony 2.0.13 was released, including 120 commits with bug fixes and some nice tweaks (view changelog).
Development mailing list
Symfony2 development highlights
- dbd9568: [HttpKernel] memcache and Redis profiler storage update
- 991474b: [HttpKernel] fixed RedisProfilerStorage falling unit tests when Redis extension is not available
- c195957: [Components] fixed tests/autoloading and switched to Composer
- 95b8e29: [BrowserKit] removed dependency of CookieJar to Response
- 503a51f, f273edc: [HttpFoundation] updated RFC references in Response
- 5b92b9e: [Console] selectively output to STDOUT or OUTPUT stream (Addresses issues with writing console output for IBM i5 Series OS400)
- 6aa4817, b66b6fc, a7868a7, 06274db: Released Symfony 2.0.13
- 7fe236a: [Security] configured ports in RetryAuthenticationEntryPoint according to router settings
- 970d0b4: [BrowserKit] check class existence only when required
Repository summary: 4,585 watchers (#1 in PHP, #30 overall) and 1190 forks (#1 in PHP, #12 overall).
New plugins
- sfWidgetFormAvatar: Input field will be seen as a default picture. Default picture will be automatically changed by file selected. The file will be uploaded once selected. A preview will be automatically generated once file selected / uploaded.
Updated plugins
- fixes and tweaks
- added simple styles for an "allow comments" checkbox
- use of the 'limit' or 'firstOnly' option to slideshow slots no longer prevents you from successfully editing an existing slideshow
- if a video has no thumbnail and the video slot was rendered with the thumbnailOnly flag, display a reasonable placeholder rather than a 500 error
- new renderTemplate method in aEngineActions allows you to return from an action in a way that allows app.yml to specify an alternative partial or component in lieu of the template that would normally be used
- BaseaMediaActions uses return renderTemplate() consistently
- app_aBlog_allow_comments_individually allows comments to be toggled on and off individually for particular posts
- app_aBlog_allow_comments_initially determines whether comments are initially allowed on a new post (true) or forbidden (false)
- when searching the blog, respect the order of the page ids returned by the search service
They talked about us
- Common problems designers have when working with Symfony
- LexikMailerBundle, gérez vos templates de mails en base de données
- Guía de Symfony2 – Capítulo 11 – Integrando AJAX
- Symfony2 Config Component: Using FileLocator, Loaders and LoaderResolver
- Les composants Symfony 2 seront au coeur de Drupal 8
- Form CollectionType ~ Prototype
- My First Pull Request in Github
- Symfony2-träff
- Symfony2 添加IdeatoSimplePagerBundle
- Comment faire un formulaire avec Symfony2?
- Symfony2 – Ek Kutuphaneleri Yonetmek
- Mapped properties in Symfony2 and Doctrine2 Entity inheritance
- Yii1.1.10 e Symfony2 a confronto (Prima parte)
- Symfony: disable the web debug toolbar in PROD environment
- Creating and using Templates with Symfony2
- Symfony2 Forms - Cannot add/remove entities from a collection
- How to use manytomany field in symfony2?
- symfony backendでファイルのアップロード管理 元のファイル名とアップロードしたファイルを消す
- Caché de HTTP con Symfony2
- Custom Parameters in Symfony DI
- Symfony2: nützliche Bibliotheken und Bundles
- Authorisation on Roles in Symfony2
- Update multitables using one form in symfony+Doctrine
- Using PHP extension for symfony pages