This week, more than 600 Symfony developers gathered for Symfony Live Paris 2012, the biggest Symfony event ever. The main announcement of the conference was the introduction of the new SensioLabs Certified Symfony Developer program.

Symfony2 development highlights

Master branch:

  • 0ae5a45: [Console] removed hardcoded empty style from styles stack
  • ce7e1e6: [BrowserKit] Client now stores filtered response after request
  • 4d29c75: [WebProfilerBundle] adedd a "View all" button in top of the page to search for last queries
  • 2277500: [Routing, HttpKernel] added RequestMatcherInterface to match against whole requests
  • 5c2fbfa: [HttpFoundation] made JsonResponse HTML safe
  • 3c8947e: adjust the width of the timeline in the profiler dynamically when the browser window is resized
  • 6a01d3d: [Security] check post_only option and request method
  • f541a54: [Form] implemented force append / prepend
  • 83ff200: [OptionsResolver] added options resolver tests to improve coverage
  • 7bec078: [SecurityBundle] moved the Security Twig extension to the bridge

2.0.x branch:

  • 27100ba: [Yaml] fixed double quotes escaping in Dumper

Repository summary: 4,904 watchers (#1 in PHP, #30 overall) and 1299 forks (#1 in PHP, #12 overall).

They talked about us

Published in #A week of symfony