This week, Symfony2 development focused on Form and Filesystem components. In addition, the Security component was updated to allow class names to be passed as an argument to getEncoder() method.
Development mailing list
Symfony2 development highlights
- 0995b1f: moved the UserPassword validator from the security bundle to the security component to make it reusable outside the full-stack framework
- 31843cf: [FrameworkBundle] added info to config
- 66ff060: fixed an issue with session mocking in functional tests that do not start with a fresh session instance for each request (Silex for instance)
- 1e83206: [Form] FormBuilderInterface->getParent() doesn't take any arguments
- b5cf337: [Form] enhanced the form type mismatch error message
- 0b58828: [FileSystem] removed symlinks under windows
- abab929: [Filesystem] prevent empty value in isAbsolutePath and use rtrim in mirror
- 3ab9a6e: [Yaml] fixed string parsing
- 0f67ca8: [HttpFoundation] fixed StreamedResponse with HEAD as a method
- fc3ebb8: [FileSystem] added if-windows check
- f881d28: [Validator] avoid to get information from the cache when we already have them locally (also fixes usage of this class when not using a cache)
- 76b2ed4: moved validator translation files to the Form and Validator components to make them reusable
- 38cad9d: [Filesystem] added exists method
- f65ade2: fixed order of translation files registration
- 0b8b76b: [Security] allowed class names to be passed as an argument to EncoderFactoryInterface::getEncoder()
- 5d88255: Authorization header should only be rebuild when Basic Auth scheme is used
- ba16a51: changed getName() to name on all Reflection* object calls
- 3ce8227, cd0aa37: [Security] only redirect to urls called with http method GET
Repository summary: 4,972 watchers (#1 in PHP, #31 overall) and 1320 forks (#1 in PHP, #12 overall).
Updated plugins
- refactored typeahead to use jQuery.ajax. This makes debugging easier.
- new extraPageSettings partial allows you to easily render more fields in the page settings form without overriding the settingsSuccess template in its entirety
- If the request has a class parameter, apply it to the admin container and the edit form
- removed the 10px inset on the crop tool when no aspect ratio is set
They talked about us
- Symfony2: Testing Your Controllers
- deSymfony acogerá un examen para obtener la certificación oficial de Symfony
- Retour sur le Symfony Live 2012 - Jour 1
- Symfony Live 2012 – Les Conférences
- Une semaine symfonique #284 - du 4 au 10 juin 2012
- Symfony2 – Génération dynamique de formulaire en fonction de l’entitée liée
- Todas las presentaciones de deSymfony 2012
- Retour sur le Symfony Live 2012 - Jour 2
- symfonyでnode.js/ ブラウザでリアルタイム同期
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- Security, Authentication dan Access Controll pada Symfony2 bag-2
- Get the current route and url in a Symfony2 controller
- Propriétés des champs de formulaires générés par Symfony2
- symfony检测PHP是否安装成功——thinkopen
- Symfony 编码规则 Coding Standards
- Symfony Eclipse Plug-ins日本語データ ver 0.0.2
- Symfony2 custom validation constraints
- [PHP][Symfony2]Symfony2のBundleインストール時に
- Magnus earned the Certified Symfony developer badge
- Excepciones Symfony, registro y depuración
- Proxy Ajax requests, Curl and Symfony2
- Setting Up Symfony2 and Uploadify Session Id