This week Symfony 2.1 removed auto_start configuration parameter, because sessions will now start on demand. In addition, Request::overrideGlobals method was finally completed and route auto-redirecting was restricted for safe requests.
Development mailing list
Symfony2 development highlights
- 8ae0fa2: [FrameworkBundle] fixed locale detection from request
- db9a8c1, c67cf8b: [Routing] added the Countable interface to RouteCollection
- 34ab481: fixed severity, file and line in ErrorExceptions
- d4a0988: [FrameworkBundle] added configuration interface check to ensure that configuration implements needed getConfigTreeBuilder() command
- 16a0af1: [Security] changed the HttpUtils constructor to take both a UrlGenerator and a UrlMatcher instead of a Router
- c4a8feb: [HttpKernel] added the database to the DSN we are sending to the MongoDB server
- d0e1547: added escapeValue() method to ParameterBagInterface
- 9fabb3d: [Form] camelized add and remove methods in the PropertyPath
- cd08db8: [Form] added FormBuilderInterface in Tests namespace to enable easy mocking
- 9fb567d: [HttpFoundation] completed Request::overrideGlobals
- df8d94e: added Request::getSchemeAndHttpHost() and Request::getUserInfo()
- e44e21c: [FrameworkBundle] reverted RouterDebugCommand to Symfony 2.0 signature, which made it simple to display only a subset of the routes of the application
- 1fd66f3, 19eeac8, 0b02e3c, 2e356c1: [FrameworkBundle] removed auto_start configuration parameter
- a1b7388: [Yaml] fixed parsing when a mapping is mixed within a sequence and vice-versa
- ed49e3b: [Routing] removed trailing slash behavior on non-safe requests
- 9572e9b: [Locale] fixed StubIntlDateFormatter to behave like the ext/intl implementation
- b89b00f: bumped minimal version of Swiftmailer to 4.2.0
Repository summary: 5,105 watchers (#1 in PHP, #30 overall) and 1353 forks (#1 in PHP, #13 overall).
They talked about us
- Réaliser un système de Timeout pour Symfony2
- Drupal, eZ Publish et leurs frameworks de gestion de contenu
- L’acteur Open Source SensioLabs recrute massivement en 2012
- SensioLabs announces the Symfony Live San Francisco
- Speakers Corner: Знакомимся с Symfony2 в Киеве и Одессе вместе с гуру Lukas Kahwe Smith
- Как реанимировать ваш PHP-проект с помощью Symfony2 компонентов
- Let Silex Wrap Your Legacy PHP Application (and add Twig for templating)
- Symfony勉強会 #6 に参加してきた
- Doctrine supports SQL Database Federations for massive scalability on Windows Azure
- Using vagrant and puppet to setup your symfony2 environment
- Symfony2-träff
- Symfony2: The above URL assumes that localhost points to the web directory of your new Symfony2 project
- Upload file with Doctrine in Symfony2
- Unrecognized field: usernameCanonical for symfony2 FosUserbundle
- Que tal Jobeet em Symfony2?
- Symfony2: selecting a bundle namespace
- Symfony2学习笔记之表单
- Des url optimisées avec Symfony2
- Internationaliser son site Web avec Silex et le bundle Translation
- symfony の task実行時に Progress bar を表示する
- Symfony 学习
- Tareas programadas en Symfony 2.0
- Symfony2 Console Component – Emagister Training Sessions
- Symfony2 – Debugging with Twig