A week of symfony #290 (16->22 July 2012)
July 23, 2012 • Published by Javier Eguiluz
This week, the Form component continued focusing all the Symfony2 development activity. Besides some tweaks and refactorings, most of the commits were related to form performance improvement. In addition, the official code repository achieved another remarkable milestone: more than 5,000 pull requests received.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 216c539: [Form] implemented a more intelligent caching strategy in FormHelper
- 8f99be3: [DoctrineBridge] fixed the type guesser for doctrine 2.3
- 0d0a968: [Templating] cached the result of escape() in order to improve performance
- 629093e: [Form] extracted common parts of FormHelper and FormExtension into separate classes
- d11f8b5: [Form] fixed passing of variables in the FormRenderer
- 610c602: [OptionsResolver] slightly tweaked the performance of the Options class
- 1474aa5: [Form] fixed consideration of Twig's template inheritance and added another performance-improving check
- 17ca9b6: [Form] fixed DoctrineType to use getManagerForClass() if no EM name is given
- 4ce7249: moved the request data collector to HttpKernel
- 1986e10: [HttpFoundation] optimized makeDisposition
- 2a6c222, db9ea09: added a customRepository option to the uniqueEntity validator
- d85650d: [Validator] removed return value in TrueValidator
- 39157a8: [Security] fixed multiple overlapping definitions of DefaultFailureHandler and DefaultSuccessHandler in AbstractFactory
- 503899e: [EventDispatcher] renamed UnmodifiableEventDispatcher to ImmutableEventDispatcher
- d072f35: [Form] the properties of FormView are now accessed directly in order to increase performance
- 400c95b: [Form] replaced methods in ChoiceView by public properties
- 8b72766: [Form] tweaked the generation of option tags for performance
- 0ef9acb: [Form] moved the method isChoiceSelected() to the ChoiceView class
- 5dc3c39: [Form] moved the access to templating helpers out of the choice loop for performance reasons
- 5984b18: [Form] precalculated the closure for deciding whether a choice is selected
- d4f4038: [Form] reduced the number of setData() calls by deferring a Form's in itialization
- 3075fa6: [OptionsResolver] renamed filters to normalizers
- 310f985: [Form] added a layer of 2.0 BC methods to FormView and updated UPGRADE and CHANGELOG
- 9216816: [Form] turned Twig filters into tests
- 1be155a: [HttpFoundation] never send a 304 for non-safe HTTP methods
- dc3a680: [Form] improved FormRenderer API to reduce the size of the function call stack during rendering
- eccc5bd: [Form] restored BC in AbstractType::getDefaultOptions() and getAllowedOptionValues()
- ed8823c: [HttpFoundation] allowed setting an unknown status code without specifying a text
- 16a980b: [Validator] fixed bug order for constraint, property, getter and group-sequence-provider in validation.xml
- 4f93d1a: [Console] used proc_open instead of exec to suppress errors when run on windows and stty is not present
Repository summary: 5,275 watchers (#1 in PHP, #31 overall) and 1,416 forks (#1 in PHP, #13 overall).
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