After publishing the first Release Candidate version last week, Symfony 2.1 reduced its development activity this week to some minor tweaks and fixes. The most important commit was the update of ICU data used in the Locale component.
Development mailing list
Symfony2 development highlights
- c0c61da: [Console] added current style appliance for all styled text
- 61e3539: [Form] updated minimum ICU version to 4.0
- 7dbadbf: [Locale] updated ICU data and scripts
- b3cf36a: [Config] fixed missing type argument passed to loader
- 2a124bc, 1a4a4ee: [DependencyInjection] added a test for a frozen constructor of a container with no parameters
- c51fc10: [Security] avoid fatal error on invalid session
Repository summary: 5,377 watchers (#1 in PHP, #32 overall) and 1478 forks (#1 in PHP, #13 overall).
They talked about us
- Améliorer les exceptions de Symfony2
- Semantic web meets frontend-awesomeness
- Préfixer une table Doctrine avec Symfony2
- Symfony2 Form Survey
- Symfony 2 Internals на практике
- Symfonyを使った開発で機能テストはlimeかSeleniumか
- FastCGI, PHP, Symfony2 with basic auth not working
- Custom label y input para boostrap de Twitter en Symfony2
- Mechanizmy wyświetlania danych w symfony 1.4 (escaping data)
- symfony 1.3/4 ではAction のインスタンス変数がビューに渡される・・・わけではない
- Order by Rand() i Symfony2
- Symfony2: Coding Standards Update
- No database connection via doctrine in Symfony 1.4
- sfCon 2012 – Conferência brasileira sobre Symfony
- [PHP][Symfony2]Symfony2からDoctrineのPDOオプションを指定する
- Symfony2 & Regex Match Attribute
- Problemas mas comunes en Hosting Compartido al subir Una Aplicación-Symfony 2
- Tester des dates avec la classe dateComparator de symfony2
- How to deal with asynchronous request with Symfony2 and other PHP frameworks
- Setting the default timezone in Symfony2
- Symfony2 Tutorial Part 2: How to install Symfony2 on Linux Ubuntu Operating System