As the Symfony 2.1 release date approaches, this week all the efforts were aimed at fixing the few issues still flagged as blockers for Symfony 2.1.
Development mailing list
Symfony2 development highlights
- 57694aa: [Security] removed MySQL-exclusive usage of unsigned integer from ACL table creation
- 70a64bd, ac0fb48: [HttpFoundation] MongoBinData constructor now requires "type" parameter
- 0ad00f8: [EventDispatcher] added IteratorAggregate to GenericEvent
- 50df1a7: [DoctrineBridge] added support to redis, wincache and zend data cache
- 3ad3876: [Form] fixed support for preferred choices in "entity" type
- 0add23f: [Form] reintroduced the option "invalid_message_parameters"
- bdaa877: [HttpFoundation] fixed duplicated header in JsonResponse
- ccb6dad: [HttpFoundation] fixed undefined offset for assoc arrays in HeaderBag
- 8e11aaa: [FrameworkBundle] allowed to set null for the handler in NativeSessionStorage
- 630d16b: [Form] optimized form guesser performance
- 832f8dd: [MonologBridge] added support for Monolog 1.2.0
Repository summary: 5,403 watchers (#1 in PHP, #34 overall) and 1,494 forks (#1 in PHP, #13 overall).
They talked about us
- DragonCity: A 2.5M DAU Social Game with a Symfony2 heart
- Configuring PHPCR and Jackrabbit to use MySQL
- Lessons learned on OSS
- Symfony2: This script is only accessible from localhost
- Symfony2 要件確認スクリプトへの対応 / ACL
- Symfony 2, cache és logs permission problémák megoldása
- Greg Dunlap talks about Drupal 8, managing the Configuration Management initiative, and Symfony
- Формы в Symfony2, чего не стоит делать
- Set Symfony2 Environment Straight For Your Branch
- Symfony2 Logging with Loggly, Monolog and (modified) WhitewashingLogglyBundle
- [小ネタ]symfonyの設定関連(symfony,php,apache)
- Eliminar un Bundle en Symfony 2 de forma segura
- Авторизация “в лоб” на symfony2.1
- Deploying your Symfony 2.0 web app to the production server
- Gearman Worker Console Output
- Symfony on CentOS 5
- PHP фреймворки: сравнение Yii, Kohana (KO3), CodeIgniter (CI), OnPHP, Symfony2
- [Symfony]HTMLタグを含む文字列をエスケープせずに出力
- Flexible domain mapping to symfony apps
- Twig Errors are Incredibly Unhelpful
- How to check if some variable is present in twig template in symfony2
- symfony, Doctrine1.4でページャの生成をDoctrine_Queryクラスに含めるための拡張
- Google Hack: Las demos de Symfony2