A week of symfony #312 (17->23 December 2012)
December 23, 2012 • Published by Javier Eguiluz
A week of symfony #312 (17->23 December 2012)
This week Symfony published several security releases to address two potential security vulnerabilities. In addition, the WebProfilerBundle continued removing dependientes from other bundles and components.
Symfony2 development highlights
- d90e55c: fixed double-decoding in the routing system
- 1f8c501: [FrameworkBundle] restricted the type of controllers that can be executed by InternalController
- 532cc9a: [FrameworkBundle] added support for URIs as an argument to HttpKernel::render()
- 0085798: [FrameworkBundle] fixed XSD for the trusted-proxies setting
- 4517aeb: [FrameworkBundle] fixed trusted_proxies configuration for some edge cases
- b8e5689: [FrameworkBundle] fixed ESI calls
- 2cd43da: [Process] allowed non-blocking start with PhpProcess
- 8beee64: [Form] fixed DateTimeToStringTransformer
- 6855cff, 05fca6d: [Bridge/Propel1] added preferred_query option to ModelType (this enables the ModelChoiceList to use 'preferred_choices' of the parent ChoiceType)
- a9c27fb: [Form] empty_value should not be selectable in choice field if the field is required
- e31d4f1, 8df9b7a: [Config] allowed the disabling of key normalization on some array nodes
- 6efae29: [TwigBundle] fixed configuration to avoid key normalizations for paths and globals
- f0d9be0: [TwigBridge] added an extension for the HttpKernel component
- 0e2418c: [TwigBundle] added the HttpKernel extension to the default Twig loaded extensions
- 00e08be: [WebProfilerBundle] replaced usage of the render tag by the render function (to decouple the bundle from TwigBundle)
- 163564b: [WebProfilerBundle] replaced yaml_dump by json_encode to make the Web Profiler independent from the YAML component
- 07316c9: [Validator] catch deprecated methods
- fb71964: [Form] added an alternative signature Form::add($name, $type, $options)
- 19d8510: [Form] improved Form::add() and FormBuilder::add() to accept integers as field names
- 6261779, ad6a6c8: [Finder] fixed the BSD find adapter on the Mac OS X
- 7533deb: [Form] prevented trigger of E_USER_DEPRECATED for new API
- 15c52f5, 4663450: displayed class name of security token in WDT
- 64d43c8: restricted to only URIs the first argument of the render tag
- 2a2c468: [Form] fixed DateTimeToStringTransformer regexp to work with older PCRE
- 5e359d3: made the kernel optional in all data collectors
- bf9e238: [Form] added with_minutes option to DateTimeType & TimeType
- 31a7825: [FrameworkBundle] changed data collector templates to use the new namespaced template names
Repository summary: 5,932 watchers (#1 in PHP, #35 overall) and 1,862 forks (#1 in PHP, #15 overall).
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