This week, the long-awaited Symfony 2.3 version was finally released. This new version includes a ton of new features and offers a nice three year support. In addition, the first details of the upcoming SymfonyCon Warsaw 2013 were unveiled.

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Symfony2 development highlights

2.1 changelog:

  • bbfde62: [Console] fixed exit code for exceptions with error code 0

2.2 changelog:

  • afad9c7: instantiate valid commands only
  • bce6bd2: [DomCrawler] fixed a fatal error when setting a value in a malformed field name

2.3 changelog:

  • 307bc91, cccd005, d6ab77e: [Security] added tests for BasicAuthenticationListener, ContextListener, and SwitchUserListener
  • 5409852: [Security] added few new test cases for the HttpUtils and improved readability of existing tests
  • bf769e0: [Config] added tests for the ConfigCache
  • 804b182: [Config] added tests for the FileResource and DirectoryResource
  • 379f5e0: [DependencyInjection] fixed aliased access of shared services
  • bb797ee: [DependencyInjection] removed get{Alias}Service methods from compiled containers
  • d8c0ef7: [DependencyInjection] renamed ContainerBuilder::$aliases to avoid conflicting with the parent class
  • 81b122d: [DependencyInjection] added support for aliases of aliases + regression test
  • e3561ce: [FrameworkBundle] fixed OutOfBoundException when session handler_id is null

Master changelog:

  • 3db0360: [Debug] Fixed ErrorHandler
  • c0b5996: [MonologBridge] added integration with the console component
  • 6e8b918: [Templating] allowed "template" and "parameters" as parameter name
  • 7ccfe65: [HttpFoundation] tweaked UploadedFile error message

They talked about us

Published in #A week of symfony