This week, the Symfony ecosystem focused the development activity. First, Silex 1.1.0 was released adding support por PSR-compatible loggers and introducing lazy dispatcher methods. In addition, the Twig Composer package achieved the 1,000,000th installation milestone.
Symfony2 development highlights
- a830001: passed the config when building the Configuration in ConfigurableExtension
- 6dbd1e1: [WebProfiler] fixed content-type parameter
- afd79ea: [Filesystem] created FilesystemTestCase from FilesystemTest
They talked about us
- Symfony2: Rich Console Command Output Using AOP
- Faciliter la gestion des droits d’accès avec les Voters
- Nuevas ofertas de trabajo para programadores Symfony
- A CSV-to-CSV converter using Symfony Console application skeleton
- symfony2 The CSRF token is invalid. Please try to resubmit the form
- Symfony2 with Propel ORM
- Symfony2把多语言文件保存到数据库里
- ¿Por qué elegir Symfony2?
- eZ Publish 5.1 – Behind the tech buzzwords
- Symfony2 - Crear o actualizar una sola entidad desde la base de datos
- symfonyの定数の設定ファイル