This week, the inline fragment renderer was fixed when passing objects as attributes. Moreover, the HInclude fragment renderer was also improved to fix the handling of a default 'template' as a string. Lastly, another big PHP project (phpBB) decided to start using Twig for its templates.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 82dbaee: [HttpKernel] fixed the inline renderer when passing objects as attributes
- 218bb90, bb59f40: [HttpFoundation] added JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK flag to fix issues when json response is used in JavaScript apps and especially in AngularJS (reverted)
- 9d1004b: [HttpKernel] fix handling of a default template as a string in HIncludeFragmentRenderer
- 91bb757: [Console] fixed ProgressHelper shows 100% percentage before complete
- 06b69b8, 2dc1ee0: [HttpKernel] fixed inline fragment renderer
- aaa40e5: [Config] fixed configuration validation error messages for the min and max functions
- 9c5f8c6: [Yaml] removed wrong comment removal inside a string block
- cb5659a: [FrameworkBundle] supported multiple IPs for matching
They talked about us
- Symfony2 Production Settings With Doctrine Checks
- Symfony2: El directorio Model, las Entities y los Documents
- Managing the Verbosity of symfony’s Command Object With a Trait
- 如何解决symfony css rewrite的问题
- 关于Symfony2+nginx搭建过程总结
- Symfony2: Using kernel events like preExecute to log requests
- symfony2 複数entityにまたがるformをvalidateする
- Symfony2のdoctrine:generate:crudコマンドの出力結果を上書きする
- Resolvendo de uma vez o problema de timeout do Symfony/Laravel
- How to create a custom Doctrine2 hydrator with Symfony2
- TraceView’s Oboe Symfony No. 2
- Adding Mockery to Symfony 2.3
- Tracking New Member Origination with Symfony2
- Symfony2 advanced menus
- Symfony2 IIS7 Web.Config rewrite rules
- Practical Symfony #21: テンプレートで扱うユーティリティの書き方およびページオブジェクトの利用について考察
- Customizing Error Pages and How Errors are Handled
- FOSRestBundle功能包:概述
- Use AOP in Symfony2 project with custom annotations
- Symfonyを使いたくなる勉強会にいってきました(ワークショップ編)