This week, Symfony 2.2.8 maintenance version was published. Meanwhile, in anticipation of the end of the Symfony 2.4 development phase, a lot of commits were merged in the master branch, such as the support of the JSON format in the Translation component, the simplification of the Callback constraint and the shiny new Form debugger. Lastly, the full schedule of the SymfonyCon Warsaw 2013 conference was published.
Development mailing list
- [HttpFoundation] Add a way to avoid the session be written at each request
- [FrameworkBundle] Adding a todo method to the standard Controller
- [Validator][Email] - Strict validation and soft dependency
Symfony2 development highlights
- 0774c79: [Locale] added some more stubs for the number formatter
- 3108c71: [Locale] added support for the position argument to NumberFormatter::parse()
- d997443: [HttpFoundation] HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO header can contain various values
- bcbe8d2: tests are now run in parallel
- 8980954: [BrowserKit] fixed the domain of the cookies returned by CookieJar
- 279a686: added a lot of PHPDoc comments and a few missing use statement
- 5e2ac93: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed problem with Windows file links (backslash in JavaScript string)
- 8bad61d: [HttpKernel] fixed usage of deprecated FlattenException
- bb59ac2: [DomCrawler] fixed HTML5 form attribute handling XPath query
- bb0125b: [DependencyInjection] prevented inlining of lazy loaded private service definitions
- 8753db9: [Security] set the BCryptPasswordEncoder $cost parameter to an integer
- f7d0ec6: [Security] limited the password length passed to encoders
- c8e6799: [ExpressionLanguage] introduced a ParserCacheInterface with array/doctrine implementations
- 77e2fa5: [DomCrawler] removed checks if CssSelector is present
- 90d59ea: [Form] updated FormTypeCsrfExtension to retrieve the FormFactory directly
- 1972a91: [Form] added the form debug collector
- a994a5d: [Form] merged subsriber/collector, also collect valid forms
- 56d78ed: [Form] decoupled methods of ResolvedFormType so that they can be overridden individually by decorators
- f56c577: [HttpKernel] extracted value exporting logic of DataCollector into a separate ValueExporter class
- 89509d9: [Form] improved form debugger
- 3292163: [DomCrawler] fixed an issue with namespace prefix matching being to greedy
- cccb1db: [Validator] simplified usage of the Callback constraint
- b668e24: [FrameworkBundle] form_debug.xml should be loaded only if form config is enabled
- 9988475: [Translation] added support for JSON format (both loader and dumper)
- 90daef7: [Process] added support for stdout and stderr flush
- e73742a: [PropertyAccess] throw exception on nonexistant "index" on read access
- 500ddf3: [Process] added ProcessBuilder::setEnvironmentVariables
- 785080a, c2e43d0: [Filesystem] introduced new Exception base classes
- 780b77a: [HttpKernel] made the cache key generation configurable for the default HttpCache store
They talked about us
- Symfony RAD Edition
- Manage translations with the new KunstmaanTranslatorBundle
- Symfony2 components overview: HttpFoundation
- Autocompletion avec Elasticsearch
- Announcing the LiveReloadBundle
- Symfony ficha a uno de los mayores expertos PHP en mejora de rendimiento
- Vulnerabilidad DOS en el formulario de login de FOSUserBundle
- Construire un menu avec du contenu en base de données avec KnpMenuBundle
- Admin Bundle: Major CSRF vulnerability
- A solid and automated front-end development workflow
- Symfony form debugger
- Symfony Meetup Tokyo 10/4
- How to use WSSE in Android app
- A rebuilt SearchBundle using ElasticSearch and Sherlock
- User login and logout step-by-step with Symfony 2
- Command Line Tools Based on Symfony Console (Doctrine, Laravel) in PhpStorm
- Additional SEO features: KunstmaanSitemapBundle
- How to render static pages with Symfony
- 「Symfony」の秘めたる力とは!?
- Auto-refresh et gain de productivité sous symfony2