This week, the Symfony Content Management Framework project released its first stable version. In addition, a new discussion was initiated about how to dynamically load code in Symfony2. This feature would allow to install/download bundles in Symfony2 applications and enable them automatically.
Development mailing list
- Allow dynamic code loading
- Add X-Debug-Url profiler url header
- [Form] Add option to disable 'extra fields' validation
Symfony2 development highlights
- beae3b1: [Stopwatch] made usleep longer and simplify assertions
- 55001ab: [DoctrineBridge] loosened CollectionToArrayTransformer::transform() to accept arrays
- b07c618: [Form] changed FormTypeCsrfExtension to use the form's name as default intention
- 219e44d: [Intl] improved FormTypeCsrfExtension to use the type class as default intention if the form name is empty
- 4ff59d7: [DoctrineBridge] added type check to prevent calling clear() on arrays
- 0d232ba: [HttpFoundation] improved documentation of X-Forwarded-For header handling
- f21de87: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed invalid condition in form panel
- d7eb8ff: [Csrf] component fixes
- f6d4bc4: [Config] fixed namespace when dumping reference
They talked about us
- xsolve-google-auth-bundle
- Symfony2: Console Commands as Services – Why?
- Symfony CMF. Часть 1, хранение данных
- Simplifying the Life of Developers: Fabien Potencier on Symfony & the Expression Language Component
- Symfony y Twig ya son compatibles con HHVM
- Injecting repositories to service in Symfony2
- Efficient Elasticsearch indexing configuration
- Symfony2, Doctrine, FOSUserBundle and fixtures for functional testing
- Mensajes de confirmación (Flash messages) Bootstrap 3 en Symfony2
- Drupal 7 vs Symfony 2: overview after 1 year of Symfony development
- Custom Symfony2 CLI output
- Symfony 2: Many-to-Many Relationships and Form Elements
- Sylius, solución e-commerce desarrollada en Symfony2
- symfonyインストール完了。かな。
- Welcome to Symfony – Templates na veia
- Building a Web App with Symfony 2: Bootstrapping
- Symfony2: as good as PHP gets?
- phpBB 3.1 Alpha1 Preview Release
- Start with Symfony on Mountain Lion
- Symfony2.4 beta-1 が出たので新機能を確認