This week, the first serious discussions about Symfony 3.0 started with the proposal of splitting the HttpKernel component into three separate components. Meanwhile, the Symfony community will gather again next week for the Symfony Live Berlin 2013 conference.
Development mailing list
- [3.0] Splitting the HttpKernel component
- [DependencyInjection] Improve performance of the generated code
- [Csrf] Why CsrfToken class?
- [FrameworkBundle] Added a helper method to create AccessDeniedException
- [Form] error with CSRF protection disabled, but not for forms explicitly
Symfony2 development highlights
- c1a3eb3: [Form] fixed the "data" option is taken into account even if it is NULL
- b2550b9: [Serializer] fixed the error handling when decoding invalid XML to avoid a Warning
- 2b8029e: [HttpFoundation] added content length header to BinaryFileResponse
- 719e037: [FrameworkBundle] fixed routing container parameter exception message
- e8c2082: [DependencyInjection] fixed YamlDumper did not make services private
- 644f78d: [HttpKernel] fixed memory limit display in MemoryDataCollector
- b952bcb: [Form] fixed issue with clone: now the children of the original form are preserved and the clone form is given new children
- 60dce14: [FrameworkBundle] only enable CSRF protection when enabled in config
- 99a4b7e: [Form] fixed form debugger to work even when no view variables are logged
- 19c74f3: [Form] fixed nonexistent key id in twig of data collector
- 4807c5e: [Form] fixed failing FormDataExtractorTest
- 2f09754: [WebProfilerBundle] added X-Debug-Url profiler url header
- 887f71c: [Form] fixed CsrfProviderAdapter
- 3502ca2: [Console] made parent constructor test more reliable
- a5c0123: [Config] use Inline class to quote reserved characters
They talked about us
- RESTing with Symfony2
- Deploy a Symfony project on Amazon Elastic Beanstalk
- HHVM with Symfony 2 looks amazing
- Symfony2: Some things I don’t like about Bundles
- Conferences with CMF presentations in 2013
- SonataAdminBundle + AJAX загрузка файлов
- Symfony2 and SQLite3 or PDO_SQLite extension error
- Symfony 2 CAS Rest Bundle: Authenticate Against CAS Gracefully
- Continuous Integration & Automated Deployments for Symfony 2 projects
- Symfony2: Using FOSUserBundle with multiple EntityManagers
- 「Symfony」をダウンロードしよう!
- Symfony2: “The controller for uri is not callable” for dummies
- Runscope Guzzle Plugin and Runscope Symfony2 Bundle
- Playing with event dispatcher and Silex. Sending logs to a remote server