This week, development activity was focused on the last remaining bugs before the imminent publication of the first release candidate version of Symfony 2.4. In addition, some small but long-standing issues were fixed, such as the standardization of the constructor initialization style throughout Symfony code.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 7730d8d: [DependencyInjection] removed the unused Reference and Parameter classes use statements from the compiled container class
- be0a605: [AclProvider] fixed incorrect behavior when partial results returned from cache
- 0434c74: [Process] fixed timeout of 0
- a38fab9: [Acl] fixed inserting multiple ObjectFieldAces throws DB constraint violations
- af98688: [Doctrine] fixed no Entity Manager defined exception in UniqueEntityValidator
- 3c5a863: [BrowserKit] fixed protocol-relative URL redirection
- 5b3b40c: [HttpFoundation] removed useless check if self::$trustProxies is set
- 9e7788e: [FrameworkBundle] cache warmup breaks namespaced kernel
- b521dc5: [ExpressionLanguage] fixed conflict between punctation and range
- 7cdb260: [Translation] made IdentityTranslater consistent with normal translator
- 9c2ce49: [FrameworkBundle] use the new request_stack object in the GlobalVariables object
- 21fa635: [Intl] made currency bundle merge fallback locales when accessing data, allowing use of country-specific locales
- d553347: [Security] added a missing field in SimpleAuthenticationHandler
- 2e07338: [FrameworkBundle] use the new request_stack service to get the Request object in the base Controller class
- 5e03e9a: [Console] added a test for --verbose before argument
- a8c74d1: [Security] optimized ExpressionVoter
- b74a887: unified constructor initialization style throughout symfony
- 0baae4c: [Debug] fixed ClassNotFoundFatalErrorHandler which could cause a fatal error
- 13168bc: [DomCrawler] fixed attr method returning empty string for missing attributes
- f2f15f5: [SecurityBundle] added csrf_token_generator and csrf_token_id as new names for csrf_provider and intention options
Newest issues and pull requests
- "Add support for HHVM in the getting of the PHP executable"
- "[HttpKernel] Add option to not wait for the response of forward() call"
- "[HttpFoundation] Fixed a possible regression in SessionStorage top classes"
- "[Console] Make creating single command app easier"
- "[Console] Added memory usage to console progress helper"
- "[Console] Added estimate time to console progress helper"
- "[Form] Implemented SpecializedButtonTypeGuesser"
They talked about us
- "Let RabbitMQ Do The Work In Your Symfony2 Application"
- "Mudando de TDD para BDD Com Behat e Symfony2"
- "Есть ли смысл в статьях для тех кто начинает изучать Symfony"
- "Symfony, the mother of all PHP frameworks"
- "eZ Publish Platform 5.2 Released"
- "Symfony enables Infinity Tracking to design the ultimate online marketing solution"
- "Еще раз о Security в Symfony2 подход user-resource-privilege"
- "Internacionalización en Silex"