This week, the upcoming Symfony 2.5 version added the possibility to configure new request formats and a new config:dump command to display the current configuration of any container extension. In addition, the Symfony Live London 2014 conference was announced for 25th and 26th of September and the call for papers period was opened.

Symfony2 development highlights

2.3 changelog:

  • a25d1e1: [FrameworkBundle] fixed wrong redirect URL if path contains some query parameters
  • 714aee9: [Process] bypass sigchild detection if phpinfo is not available
  • f10c974: [Validator] removed PHP <5.3.3 specific code which is not officially supported
  • b7519c7: [Finder] () is also a valid delimiter
  • 5f0557e: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed parsing Mongo DSN

Master changelog:

  • 6de362b: [Debug] error stacking+fatal screaming+case testing
  • 6e9358a: [FrameworkBundle] load command from DIC after command from bundles
  • f90ba11: [FrameworkBundle] added configuration for additionnal request formats
  • 79baf8d: [FrameworkBundle] config:dump-reference command can now dump current configuration
  • 9fc01d2, 872647a: [Security] use core StringUtils to compare hashes

Newest issues and pull requests

They talked about us

Published in #A week of symfony