This week, the Symfony Yaml component greatly improved its performance, thanks to its use in the Drupal 8 installer. In addition a new and advanced ProgressBar was proposed for the Console component.
Symfony2 development highlights
- d5aca81: [Yaml] optimized Inline::evaluateScalar() for parsing strings
- 5e9f41e: [Yaml] avoided unnecessary line indentation calculation
- 995a033: [Yaml] improved performance of getNextEmbedBlock by removing unnecessary preg_match and function calls
- f03e5dc: [Process] minor fixes
- 3988728: [Config] FileLoader now uses the resolved FileLoader when importing resources
- 63032c7: [HttpKernel] fixed Kernel::stripComments() normalizing new-lines
- 4927d0c: changed some PHPUnit assertions to more specific ones
- 3a46a8e: [ExpressionLanguage] fixed evaluation of short circuit operators
- a92aa5e: [Serializer] throw exception when unable to normalize embedded object
- 120e197: [Debug] enhanced non-PSR-0 compatibility for case mismatch test
- 3f297ea: improved the readability of the collected arrays in the profiler
- 1cda2d4: [HttpKernel] tweaked value exporter
- 15d063b: [Debug] created ExceptionHandlerInterface to allow third party exception handlers to handle fatal errors
- d638369: removed as many usage of the request service as possible without breaking BC
- dce66c9: [WebProfilerBundle] removed double-stringification of values in the profiler
Newest issues and pull requests
- [WIP] [Console] A better progress bar
- [Security] getUsername in UserInterface is confusing
- [Console] container:debug --parameter not working anymore
- [Form] Add shortcuts to set data class and validation groups
- [HttpFoundation] Add tests for RequestStack class
- [HttpFoundation] Add expression request matcher tests
They talked about us
- Integrating Twig.js and BazingaJsTranslationBundle
- SensioLabs desembarca en España
- Symfony2: Componente Finder para buscar ficheros y directorios
- Deprecated the KunstmaanSentryBundle in favor of Monolog
- Vagrant で Symfony2 の環境を構築する
- More deprecation, NewRelicBundle is replaced with EkinoNewRelicBundle
- Overridable Entities in Symfony
- Symfony 2: The Basics
- Data Fixtures in Symfony2
- Service Oriented Architectures with Symfony2
- Sylius - Great promising PHP solution for e-commerce based on Symfony2
- Mostrar thumbnail de campo imagen en Sonata Admin y Symfony2
- Deploying Symfony2 on Dreamhost