This week, the most relevant news about Symfony project was the re-introduction of the Symfony Core Team, which could boost the Symfony development. In addition, the first beta of Symfony 2.5 was released, fixing important issues such as the database session storage for high-concurrency websites.
Symfony2 development highlights
- e946da3: BrowserKit is broken when using IP as host
- e58d7cf, 05ea19a, 5c08e29: [HttpFoundation] fixed PDO session handler under high concurrency
- ed9e48b, 0bc79ca: [Templating] PhpEngine should propagate charset to its helpers
- be0e362: [HttpFoundation] added BMP to MimeTypeExtensionGuesser
- eea9d24: [Profiler] prevent throwing fatal errors when searching timestamps or invalid dates
- 9bc08c0: [Translation] made IcuDatFileLoader/IcuResFileLoader::load invalid resource compatible with HHVM
- df37461: [Validator] added missing strings from Image validator
- edfa6d5: [Validator] fixed hack for nested Collection/All losing context
- db44f0f: [Serializer] refactored XmlEncoder to remove dependency to SimpleXml
- 9ba2861: [DependencyInjection] fixed Yaml loader/dumper to use underscores
Newest issues and pull requests
- Refresh configuration parameters
- [WebProfilerBundle] Add simple placeholders into search form
- [Form] Deprecate read_only option
They talked about us
- Using Doctrine2 with Symfony2
- REST APIs with Symfony2: The Easy Way
- What's been keeping us busy, April 2014 Edition
- Symfony2: Asignar el usuario logueado a una entidad automáticamente
- Symfony2 components overview: ExpressionLanguage
- Nuevas ofertas de trabajo para programadores Symfony
- El proyecto Symfony actualiza su modelo de desarrollo
- Finally! 1.1.0-RC1
- De retour du Symfony Live Paris 2014
- deSymfonyDay, vuelve la magia de deSymfony
- There’s no such thing as an optional dependency
- Symfony2 Console component, by example
- LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle – Symfony2 REST API Authentification
- La migration continue vers Symfony
- symfony2:生成したformにplaceholderをつけるやり方
- Symfonyの各ディレクトリの役目
- WindowsでSymfony2