This week, Symfony 2.3.13 and 2.4.4 maintenance versions were released. Meanwhile, the stabilization phase of the upcoming Symfony 2.5 version continued with some tweaks and bug fixes. Lastly, Symfony 2.3 and higher versions added the @Target annotation to all constraints in order to indicate the kind of elements to which each constraint is applicable.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 6518b74: [Doctrine Bridge] simplified session handler by using main connection
- 3e3517a: [Process] setting STDIN while running should not be possible
- ba8fc16: [Security] fixed incompatibility of x509 auth with nginx
- ff77f24: [Process] added missing docblocks
- 542d6fa, 67be447: added @Target annotations
- 1346641: [Finder] fixed ignoring of unreadable dirs in the RecursiveDirectoryIterator
- 7942c2a: [Process] disabled TTY mode on Windows platform
- 9d885ed: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed an edge case on WDT loading
- 6e57380: [Console] fixed the rendering of exceptions on HHVM with a terminal width
- b020207: [Security] removed $csrfTokenManager type hint from SimpleFormAuthenticationListener constructor argument
- e3566c2: [Debug] fixed DebugClassLoader can't load PSR4 libs
Newest issues and pull requests
- [Security] Increase security of password hashing strategy
- Security token should be a member of Request object
- [DependencyInjection] Compiler Pass Cusomization Type
- Make MIME type / extension guessers extendable
- try catch doesn't work cause of the ErrorHandler and HandledErrorException
- [FrameworkBundle] Allow composition for WebTestCase or similar
SwiftMailer development highlights
- 32786b7: fixed a bug that prevented NullTransport from reporting that all emails had been delivered
They talked about us
- Automatically Set Bundle Configuration Container Parameters in Symfony2
- New bundle to configure redirections from the admin interface
- Desarrollo web ágil con Symfony 2.4
- Configure the admin interface language per user
- Symfony2: A Simple Hello World
- content repository as a service
- Retour sur le Symfony Live 2014
- 【まとめ】Symfony勉強会 #9 に参加してきました
- Symfony2 Nginx Vhost Configuration
- La conferencia SymfonyCon 2014 dispondrá de interpretación simultánea al español
- Removed circular dependency between KunstmaanAdminBundle & KunstmaanAdminListBundle
- My Symfony2 Cheatsheet
- Symfony 2 Checklist for Development and Deployment