This week, the second beta of Symfony 2.5 version was released to fix some bugs discovered since the first beta. In addition, the Symfony repository activity was frantic and tens of issues were resolved or closed.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 074191e: [Twig Bridge] removed strict check when found variables inside a translation
- fc04ad2: [HttpFoundation] allowed File instance to be passed to BinaryFileResponse
- ed0ed80: [Debug] ErrorHandler: remove $GLOBALS from context in PHP5.3
- e93cbd7: Symfony now is tested against the nightly HHVM version
- 8f7b2cc: [Twig Bridge] set %count% from the current context
- e401533: [TwigBundle] use absolute URLs to assets on Symfony its internal pages
Newest issues and pull requests
- EventDispatcher C extension
- [Finder] moved sorting algorithms of the SortableIterator into dedicated invokable objects to simplify code
- [Finder] Fix wrong implementation on sortable callback comparator
- [Finder] moved the adapters sorting logic into a dedicated AdapterCollection class
- Improving the server:run command
- Symfony in an event loop?
Silex development highlights
- ae8f9d4: moved master branch to 2.0
They talked about us
- Symfony2 Sessions introduction
- Handling CamelCase with FOSRestBundle
- Camino Hacia Drupal8
- Trace IP with Gedmo IpTraceable behavior
- New features in my two-factor authentication bundle
- Elcodi, a New Symfony Adventure
- Тестирование отдельных Symfony 2 бандлов
- Domain Driven Design principles with Symfony2 also for dummy applications Fix
- Early adoption of Drupal 8? There’s a podcast for that
- Elcodi, una nueva plataforma e-commerce para Symfony2
- Los patrones de diseño de los componentes Symfony
- Symfony: Log outgoing responses with kernel events
- Symfony2 の実行に必要な要件
- Symfony2のMasterSlaveConnection設定
- Symfony2をComposerでインストール
- Symfony2勉強会#9に参加してきました
- ルーティングのURLに.が含まれる場合。