This week Symfony continued polishing its code for the imminent Symfony 2.5 release. The DebugClassLoader performance was improved, the translation file dumpers added an optional backup and new IDE links were added to improve your productivity as developer.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 239b738: [FrameworkBundle] added more IDE links
- a605a3d: [Security] added check for supported attributes in AclVoter
- 894b4a0: [BrowserKit] allowed URLs that do not contain a path when creating a cookie from a string
- 418cea1: [TwigBridge] added compile-time issues checking in twig:lint command
- 25f1d85: added optional backup to the file dumpers via the --no-backup option of the translation:update command
- 95f3276: [Debug] fixed handling deprecated warnings and stacked errors turned into exceptions
- 485e047: [Debug] enhanced perf of DebugClassLoader
- de2410a: [Console] made Helper\Table::setStyle() chainable
- f800e15: [DependencyInjection] GraphizDumper now displays unresolved parameters
Newest issues and pull requests
- [HttpFoundation] Response::isNotModified() should not force presence of Last-Modified header
- Improving the app/check.php script
- Trusted Proxies exposes /_fragment links
- [Console] Move Application::renderException() to OutputInterface
SwiftMailer development highlights
- d9ba6c0: fixed infinite loop
They talked about us
- Symfony2 multi tenant solution
- The rise of Composer and the fall of PEAR
- Gestion de Workflow dans un projet Symfony2 : Le workflowBundle
- ParamConverter... Mala Idea
- (my) Best resources about methodologies on Symfony, PHP, DDD, BDD ...
- Why Symfony makes you a better developer
- Indexation avancée avec FOSElasticabundle (ModelToElasticaTransformer)
- Symfony2 : FOSUserBundle et Connexion OAuth (facebook / twitter / google / github / etc…)
- Symfony2でDoctrine2使う時によく使うEntityのアノテーション一覧とDoctrine2のコマンド一覧
- Symfony2 : créer les entités d’après une base existante
- Elasticsearch and Symfony : hydrating objects thanks to Transformers
- Lanzar un proceso en background con symfony 2.1
- Why we love symfony ? Part 2 - INNOBYTE - Serious Web Development
- Web Development with Symfony
- Advanced indexing with FOSElasticaBundle (ModelToElasticaTransformer)
- Symfony on HHVM 3 and Nginx 1.4 vs PHP 5.5 and Apache 2.4