This week, Symfony 2.5.0 version was released. This new version introduces new features and tweaks across all Symfony components and it's one of the most polished versions released so far.

Symfony2 development highlights

2.3 changelog:

  • d176ffc: [TwigBridge] set %count% only on transChoice
  • 31da839: [HttpKernel] make rootPath part of regex greedy
  • 172e752: [DomCrawler] fixed charset detection in html5 meta charset tag
  • 9c2616e: [Validator] removed property and method targets from the optional and required constraints

Newest issues and pull requests

Twig development highlights

Master changelog:

  • 02b8062: added isSandbox check around the __toString check in Sandbox extension
  • e6156e2: refactored namespace/shortname parsing into own method
  • 49ba6b4: removed parameter from url_encode filter (the filter now only uses the more appropriate rawurlencode())

They talked about us

Published in #A week of symfony