Symfony2 development highlights
- de2bef5: [Config] fixed failed config schema loads due to libxmldisableentity_loader usage
- 64328d9: [Console] made sure formatter is the same
- fe5d2d1: [DomCrawler] removed the query string and the anchor of the uri of a link
- 816a4a9: [Translation] added unescaping of ids in PoFileLoader
- 8b54211: [Serializer] added a test for decoding xml with whitespaces
Newest issues and pull requests
- [Console] Added a new helper for choice questions
- [DI] Add compiler pass which check extistence of service class name
- [FrameworkBundle] Additional helper commands to control PHP's built-in web server
- Easier error template customizing with a query parameter
- [DX] New service to simplify password encoding
- [Form] Improve transformation failure message by providing property path
- [Validator] added ratio precision to image validator
- Make assets:install smarter with symlinks
- [Config][Exception] Improve Routing Syntax Import Error
- [DX] Set an unique id to the ApcClassLoader
- [DX] Improve bad controller class error
- [DX] Potential container:explore command
- [RFC] Methods in framework base controller
- Remove Spaceless Block From Textarea Widgets
- Added verbosity methods to NullOutput
Twig development highlights
- 23efa7b: fixed potential exception
- eeeef75: Replaced deprecated sameas by same as in tests
- eed777f: Replaced deprecated divisibleby by divisible by in tests
- 8ce3711: Released Twig 1.16.0 version
Silex development highlights
- d728358: refactored logger tests
- a56d0fa: allowed shared ContextListener for firewalls
- d7500db: made it easier to replace the translator service with an implementation of TranslatorInterface
- 32a27ca: fixed switfmailer spool where the event dispatcher as different from the other ones
- 1053558: made the logger more configurable
- 8a2f79e: allowed to override the access denied handler
- 46b0535: fixed locale when changing it on the translator itself
- fcc76b5: added a simple way to override the Twig environment instance
They talked about us
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#A week of symfony