This week Symfony increased its development activity significantly. The most important change was the introduction of SSI support. In addition, a memory leak was fixed in ValidatorBuilder and object initializers were fixed for the 2.5 version of the Validator.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 537c39b: [Translation] optimized assertLocale regexp
- 797d814: [Form] check if IntlDateFormatter constructor returned a valid object before using it
- 4dbe0e1: [Process] reduced I/O load on Windows platform
- f5bfa9b: [DependencyInjection] pass a Scope instance instead of a scope name when cloning a container in the GrahpvizDumper
- f401ab9, 103fd88: [BrowserKit] fixed server HTTP_HOST port uri conversion
- eb68662: [Process] fixed signal handling in wait()
- 5939d34: [Process] fixed unit tests in sigchild environment
- be04c50: unified null comparisons
- 0c2622e: [ExpressionLanguage] fixed an issue with # characters in double quoted string literals
- bdf874f: [MonologBridge] fixed Console handler priorities
- dbac46a: [Routing] simplified the XML schema file (conditions are now just simple strings)
- ce04073: [Validator] fixed object initializers in 2.5 version of the Validator
- 6f58674: [FrameworkBundle] changed KernelTestCase::getKernelClass() to check $_SERVER['KERNEL_DIR'] before invoking getPhpUnitXmlDir()
- 3f5d4c5: [FrameworkBundle] avoid raising unexpected RuntimeException when specifying $_SERVER['KERNEL_DIR']
- 283387a: [Validator] fixed memory leak in ValidatorBuilder
- ee0a074: [FrameworkBundle] removed the scope from the output of the container:debug command
- 2fee576: [DomCrawler] added node name getter
- da41eb1: [FrameworkBundle] improved controller name parse error message
- fcb7f74: [SecurityBundle] allowed exception bubbling in RememberMeListener
- 5b90572: [HttpFoundation] ResponseHeaderBag::clearCookie now accepts secure/httpOnly
- 08529bb: [FrameworkBundle] server:run command now provides more error information
- c0e4dc6: [Serializer] added support for encoding and decoding namespaced xml (xmlns)
- bf140a8: [HttpKernel, FrameworkBundle] added SSI support
- eb48706: [Security] added new service to simplify password encoding
- a32646e: [SecurityBundle] fixed constructor argument index
Newest issues and pull requests
- [DX] There are issues on the 28th page too
- [Form] Automated label generation for forms
- Have a common way to override services per storage
- [DX] Simplify or fix the intl/icu requirement
- [WebProfilerBundle][Form] Add information about form synchronization error
- [Validator] Constraint validators now use the 2.5 API
- [WIP] Do not expose routing 404 exception for protected route
- [Form] added the ability to use a closure for collection item 'options'
- Container debug for production settings
- Should Twig require router and router.request_context services?
Silex development highlights
- 0328d90: updated Pimple to version 3.0
They talked about us
- Handling 1 Billion requests a week with Symfony2
- When Monolog meet ELK
- Modular, modern und elegant: Wir stellen das neue CMS Pagekit vor
- Alternativas a Doctrine para las aplicaciones Symfony2
- Hexagonal Architecture with PHP
- Elcodi Wants You
- Los errores de la página 28
- Symfony Community: Come to Amsterdam!