This week the Validator component fixed string conversion in constraint violations, DomCrawler improved filterXPath() support for ancestors and siblings and DependencyInjection fixed a self-reference that prevented the use of the garbage collector. In addition, Twig template engine fixed some edge cases for the "starts with" and "ends with" operators. Lastly, the first official discussion about Symfony 3.0 was initiated in the Symfony repository.

Symfony2 development highlights

2.3 changelog:

  • 08ea6d3: [Validator] removed information from the violation output if the value is an array, object or resource
  • 32ae95b: [Validator] added more detailed inline documentation
  • 7d7b5c7: [Validator] fixed string conversion in constraint violations
  • 73ddf39: [Serializer] properly handle null data when denormalizing
  • e40f24f: [Process] fixed tests when pcntl is not available
  • 440322e: [DependencyInjection] fixed self-reference in 'service_container' service breaks garbage collection (and clone)
  • 8dc322b: [ComCrawler] fixed axes handling in Crawler::filterXPath()

2.5 changelog:

  • e8b53e9: [Validator] made sure that context changes don't leak out of (Contextual)ValidatorInterface
  • cd29962: [Validator] prevented unnecessary calls inside ExecutionContext

Newest issues and pull requests

Twig development highlights

Master changelog:

  • 214fe52: fix for mb function overload mb_substr acting different
  • ea6676d: added variables types in error message of twigarraymerge
  • 632fe90: simplified Twig_Node_Include code
  • c03a7a3: fixed the attribute() function when passing a variable for the arguments
  • 790305a: fixed "starts with" operator for empty needle
  • 4c26981: fixed "starts with" a "ends with" operators for non-string arguments

They talked about us

Published in #A week of symfony