This week Symfony project decided to extend the maintenance of Symfony 2.4 for two additional months and released the 2.5.3 maintenance version. In addition, the list of the 30 most useful Symfony Bundles was published and the second DX Hack Day was announced.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 18e3e6f: [DependencyInjection] fixed missing 'factory-class' attribute in XmlDumper output
- 1ba7c72: [Form] fixed whitespace in Twig form template
- e76561d: [FrameworkBundle] exit from built-in server when docroot does not exist
- 39973de: [BrowserKit] fixed browser kit redirect with ports
- 5ecc449: fixed relative redirects for ambiguous paths
- 6dd3946: [Process] added process synchronization to the incremental output tests
- e77022b: [Form] allowed CallbackTransformer to use callable
- 8814920: [Console] fixed style creation when providing an unknown tag option
- 24fb66d: removed volatile tests
- 696b978: [HttpKernel] added an analyze of environment parameters for built-in server
- f1ea987: [Validator] allowed basic auth inside the url of the UrlValidator
- 5ecc449: [BrowserKit] fixed relative redirects for ambiguous paths
- 85e77b1: [Finder] added a way to test command under Windows
- c70a226: changed command to which available under most Unix systems
- ef6f5f5: [Validator] made it possible (again) to pass a class name to Validator::validatePropertyValue()
- 2bf1b37: [Validator] fixed ExpressionValidator when the validation root is not an object
- 6ac130e: [Form] fixed FormValidator compatibility with the non-BC 2.5 Validation API
- 0653426: [SecurityBundle] added UserPasswordValidator tests for the different Validation APIs
- f45f1ab: [DoctrineBridge] changed UniqueEntityValidator to use the 2.5 Validation API
- e844ed0: [Validator] removed legacy validator classes
- f6c070d: [Validator] fixed group handling in composite constraints
- 9a62ab3: provide a compiler pass for doctrine to register namespace aliases and not only mapping drivers
- bf7a90e: [Console] fixed output escaping when using the process helper
Newest issues and pull requests
- [DX] Can we handle permissions in an easier way?
- Integrate unique request id
- [HttpFoundation] Request::isSecure does not check whether the proxy is trusted
- Fixed missing composer dependencies in Symfony Components
- Random Session Exception
Twig development highlights
- 0c169ce, 3e6c955: fixed a test on HHVM and changed the way we check for HHVM
- 15ce450, 759a77d: improved exception message while trying to access an attribute from an empty array
They talked about us
- Signing Project Releases
- Los 30 bundles más útiles de Symfony
- Doctrine filters and annotations to improve security and ease development in a Symfony app
- SymfonyLive London 2014: Meet the speakers: Matthias Noback
- Master Symfony2 - part 1: Bootstraping
- Sirviendo 1.000 millones de peticiones a la semana con Symfony
- Symfony Walk: Zaragoza - Madrid
- Symfony Bundleless Service Definition Validation
- Check login with username and password in Symfony2
- Anunciados los talleres de la SymfonyCon 2014
- Announcing Symfony ember.js edition
- EclipseでSymfony2.3.xの環境を整える
- CRUD básico con Symfony