This week, Symfony added a useful isCsrfTokenValid() method to the base controller class and moved debug commands to debug namespace to be more consistent. And next week the second DX Hackday will bring in many more tweaks and features to make your work as developer far easier. Lastly, the workshops for the upcoming Symfony conferences were announced.

Symfony2 development highlights

2.3 changelog:

  • 511b20d: [HttpFoundation] update QUERY_STRING when overrideGlobals
  • 6b9ce52: [Validator] convert objects to string in comparison validators
  • 87a47ea: [Validator] backported constraint validator tests from 2.5
  • a8b13a2: [WebProfilerBundle] fixed double height of canvas

2.4 changelog:

  • b56b740: [HttpFoundation] MongoDbSessionHandler supports auto expiry via configurable expiry_field

2.5 changelog:

  • 7283483: [FrameworkBundle] resolve parameters before the configs are processed in the config:debug command
  • 7f4f9ab: [DIC] fixed anonymous services are always private

Master changelog:

  • 479c833: [FrameworkBundle] added Controller::isCsrfTokenValid
  • 9680c35: [FrameworkBundle] moved debug commands to debug namespace

Newest issues and pull requests

They talked about us

Published in #A week of symfony