This week Symfony released 2.3.19, 2.4.9 and 2.5.4 maintenance version to address several potential security vulnerabilities. In addition, the import/export feature of the web profiler was replaced by a CLI tool.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 3b4046e: [HttpFoundation] added some missing tests
- 101a3b7, 9e1bc22: [FrameworkBundle] validate translator locales
- 654b1f2: [FrameworkBundle] forced all fragment uris to be signed, even for ESI
- f38536a, 1421449: [WebProfiler] replaced the import/export feature from the web interface to a CLI tool
- 23eb033: [HttpKernel] fixed internal fragment handling
- 854e07b: [Yaml] improved error when detecting unquoted asterisks
- b044c45: [HttpKernel] escape parameter on generated response
- a7d0cf2: [Yaml] properly mask escape sequences in quoted strings
- 131abd8: [Security] fixed usage of unexistent method in DoctrineAclCache
- a676863: [Security] added more tests for StringUtils::equals
- 4ef1328: [HttpKernel] fixed some unit tests (signature now uses SHA256 instead of MD5)
- ddc0e86: [FrameworkBundle] fixed SSI definition
- 1862427: [HttpKernel] escaped SSI virtual in generated response
- 30fed6a: [Translation] removed the options from the arguments of Translator
Newest issues and pull requests
- [DX] Call $form->createView() automatically
- [Routing] Inconsistencies in matching trailing slash in routes
- [RFC] Update the symfony YAML Parser to support multidocument
- Add XLIFF 2.0 support in Translation Component
- Support parsing YAML timestamps as DateTime
- Collection Form Label
- UrlValidator doesn't respect underscore in subdomain names
- Add an easier way to change option for a form
They talked about us
- Feature Toggles in Symfony
- SymfonyLive London 2014: Meet the speakers: Matthew Davis
- Formularios en Symfony2 con relaciones many-to-many y atributos en la join table
- ¿Por qué Symfony?
- (Videotutorial) eZ publish 5 / Symfony2 template override system
- Bye Bye Symfony
- Обработка POST запросов AngularJs в Symfony2
- Some news about KnpMenu
- Ain't gonna need the Symfony bundle!
- Cómo ayuda la comunidad hispana al proyecto Symfony
- Se publican las actualizaciones de seguridad 2.3.19, 2.4.9 y 2.5.4
- Integrate Zend Framework components with Symfony2
- Why It's Worth Learning Symfony Rather Than Laravel
- symfony安装完成后进入首页,css样式未呈现