This week the big news was the announcement of the Symfony 3.0 roadmap. In short, Symfony 3.0 will be released on November 2015, it will be mostly compatible with Symfony 2 and it will require PHP 5.5 or 5.6. In addition, the new Symfony Marketplace was introduced as the official directory of products and services related to Symfony and its ecosystem. Lastly, some more cool details about the SymfonyCon Madrid 2014 conference were announced.

Symfony2 development highlights

2.3 changelog:

  • 1f55706: [Filesystem] fixed mirror function when the source folder is empty
  • 7816a98: [DependencyInjection] inlined factory not referenced
  • 918b16b: [Translations] added missing Hebrew language trans-unit sources

2.5 changelog:

  • 4faf360: [Twig Bridge] fixed whitespace control for password form widget
  • 85b016f: [Routing] correctly initialize condition as string
  • f1d043a: [HttpKernel] added support for invokable controllers in the RequestDataCollector

2.6 changelog:

  • 5d8fbb8: [SecurityBundle] added AuthorizationChecker and TokenStorage to class cache
  • ad74db9: [VarDumper] use Unicode Control Pictures

Newest issues and pull requests

Silex development highlights

Master changelog:

  • 62b0fa7: removed PHPUnit as a development dependency
  • 89b1287: updated RememberMeServiceProvider

They talked about us

Published in #A week of symfony