This week, the SymfonyCon Madrid Hackday generated a lot of development activity. Symfony 2.7 was the main focus of this activity, as it added lots of deprecation logs and noticies to ease the transition to the upcoming Symfony 3 version.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 0a76b7e: renamed Symfony2 to Symfony
- a18b6d1: [DependencyInjection] fixed initialized() with aliased services
- 1ed7606: [Debug] fixed error message on double exception
- 388229b: [ClassLoader] define constant only if it wasn't defined before
- 844aa54: [Console] removed deprecated Dialog usage
- d3451fc: [WebProfilerBundle] removed usage of app.request in search bar template
- cd55a81: updated information for the Translation component regarding the new LoggingTranslator class
- 680fe7a: [DebugBundle, HttpKernel] avoid using container as dependency for DumpListener
- b753218: [Validator] make DateTime objects represented as strings in the violation message
- 0dfa7d5: compare version using PHP_VERSION_ID instead of version_compare()
- 7d9afd7: [FrameworkBundle] added deprecation log in FormHelper
- b9a6b71: [Process] added deprecation message for Process
- 0b88a23: [Stopwatch] added __toString on StopwatchEvent
- 11ba901, dcc1103: adjusted error_reporting to allow deprecation messages for 3.0
- 4b3f135, a00c954: [Validator] deprecated MetadataInterface and PropertyMetadataInterface
- 881ed1e: [Validator] deprecated ApcCache
- a1a4ece: [Console] deprecated TableHelper
- 8bbbefe: [Validator] deprecated ClassBasedInterface
- 1d45650: [Form] added deprecation notice on Form::getErrorsAsString
- b581096: [Validator] deprecated GlobalExecutionContextInterface
- a3cfe82: [Validator] deprecated some methods of ConstraintViolation
- 4ef4c2c: [Yaml] added a deprecation note about Yaml::parse() file support
- 963615a: [Routing] added deprecated trigger for ApacheMatcherDumper and ApacheUrlMatcher
- 1b42e32: [OptionsResolver] deprecated OptionsResolverInterface
- 1308310: [Form] added deprecation note about 'virtual' form option
- 9938179: [HttpKernel] added a deprecation note about RegisterListenersPass
- 2e47b62: [Validator] deprecated some methods in ValidatorInterface and LegacyValidator
- 705eb96: [PropertyAccess] added deprecation log for PropertyAccess::getPropertyAccessor
- a93ab3e: [Validator] added a deprecation note about PropertyMetadataContainerInterface
- 46f1eb0: [Validator] added a deprecation note on Valid constraint validator for deep option
- 64a9701: [FrameworkBundle] added deprecation warning on the base controller getRequest method
- 7ed6d11: [Validator] deprecated ExecutionContextInterface
- 673c253: [Console] added a deprecation note about DialogHelper
- 786e509: [Validator] added a deprecation note about ValidationVisitorInterface and ValidationVisitor
- ba524b8: [DependencyInjection] deprecated some methods in the Definition class
- 5876f52: [Debug] added some deprecation notes about Debug component classes
- 07436d7: [FrameworkBundle] added a deprecation warning for the command dumper
- 21c32b5: [Validator] added a deprecation note about ElementMetadata
- f216c81: [ClassLoader] added a deprecation note about UniversalClassLoader class
- 5580a4f: [Locale] added a deprecation note about the Locale component
- c82dc5e: [Validator] added a deprecation note about setPropertyAccessor
- 171377d: [Validator] added a deprecation note about MetadataInterface's accept() method
- 69fa99a: [Console] added a deprecation note about ProgressHelper
- deeb652: [Validator] added deprecation log for validate and validateValue on ExecutionContext
- 88b9500: deprecated log methods in the Monolog Bridge and the NullLogger
- 2267749: [Form] added warning logs about the deprecation of FormIntegration tests
- cd05026: [Translation] added a deprecation note about Translator's setFallbackLocale
Newest issues and pull requests
- [Routing] Duplicate route names silently ignored
- [DIC] Using the container as a factory
- [DX][VarDumper] expand all items of an array
- [DX] Removal of Locale component
- [Console] Ability to use option default only if the option was passed
- [HttpFoundation] Impossible to send a response without Content-type header
- [DX] Symfony 2.5 installation experiences
- Boolean allowed type in OptionsResolver gives misleading exception
- [2.6] Var dumper result is not shown in toolbar on not smaller screens
SwiftMailer development highlights
- 84ff290: removed usage of getmypid() which is not always available
- 02824cc: fixed unit tests when iconv is not available
- 3657ef0: fixed autoloading of unit test classes
They talked about us
- Symfony CMF Hackdays in Würzburg (12/13 Dec. 2014)
- SymfonyWalk - C'est Fini
- Prepárate para la mejor cobertura de la SymfonyCon
- Zweite Beta von Symfony 2.6.0 veröffentlicht
- Symfony2: Making impersonating a user more friendly
- Form Type リファレンス
- VideoTutorial 11 Taller Práctico de Symfony Framework 2. Creación de Login con Doctrine
- Symfony – Create a post Form with a Rest server
- Validating multiple files in Symfony 2.5