This week, Symfony included one of the longest-running feature request: the Symfony container no longer contains absolute file paths. This will allow offline cache warmups and chrooting of Symfony applications. Meanwhile, the removal of deprecated features in Symfony 3.x branch continued with some Monolog and Process methods.
Symfony2 development highlights
- edd7057: [DependencyInjection] made paths relative to DIR in the generated container
- eda746b, 0fc3369, 0e4f0e7, b034b08: CS fixes and removed unused imports
- b122262: [SecurityBundle] configured firewall's kernel exception listener with configured entry point or a default entry point
- 09d1a15: [Filesystem] fixed lock file permissions
- 2f0b355, 7887a46: [DependencyInjection] partially reverted some performance optimizations
- 2625193: [FrameworkBundle] updated deprecated security.context service call
- 88e3314: [Console] improved deprecation warning triggers
- 9ecfc84: [Monolog Bridge] removed deprecated log methods + add unit tests
- e0205ba: [Process] removed deprecated methods
Newest issues and pull requests
- $form->isValid() always returning true
- [Filesystem] [BC Break] [2.6] Filesystem component throws exception on broken symlink
- BC Break on translator DI tag
- Controllers in Symfony 2.6.0 slower than 2.5.x?
- [DX] Impersonating users continuously without having to log out
- [OptionResolver] (Default) null values are not allowed since 2.6
- PdoSessionHandler BC Breaks in 2.6
- [HttpFoundation] Move Session Support Away
- CSSSelector breaks on DOMDocument containing HTML elements with namespaces
Twig development highlights
- 4319bb9: fixed the 'for' tag optimizer ('include') function was always optimized
SwiftMailer development highlights
- 5f6a05a: fixed disappearing of embedded images
They talked about us
- Creating and updating eZ Publish Content via Symfony's Form component
- Securing a REST API for AngularJs in Symfony
- SymfonyCon 2014 – Day #1
- Symfony-Updates und ein neues Core-Team-Mitglied
- El contenedor de Symfony ya no utiliza rutas de archivo absolutas
- Puli: Powerful Resource Management for PHP
- Partez à la découverte de Symfony2 !
- Symfony + tapas = SymfonyCon Madrid
- Symfony Events: Require Account Information After Registration
- Symfony udává směr
- Twig et comment optimiser son API Symfony2
- Symfony2 best practices and Composer the right way
- Symfony passt am besten zu uns – über OXIDs Symfony-2-Entscheidung
- Nos impressions sur la SymfonyCon 2014 à Madrid
- PHP Barcelona Monthly Talks: December – Reverse Proxy Caching with Varnish and Symfony2
- Practical Symfony #25: Routerを拡張してURLのサブディレクトリを横断的に処理する
- Как правильно сделать связь many-to-many в Symfony?