This week continued the discussions about the best way to display warnings for deprecated features in Symfony 2.7. Meanwhile, the Symfony project introduced a new initiative called The 500 + 100 Challenge to clean the backlog of pending issues for code and documentation repositories before the end of the year.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 055129c: [FrameworkBundle] avoid error message for the shortcut notation
- 123e054: [WebProfilerBundle] replaced pattern to path attribute in routes definitions
- c87a661: [2.3] removed possible call_user_func()
- a8b8d33: [Filesystem] symlink use RealPath instead LinkTarget
- c3c904d: [SecurityBundle] firewall providers building code cleaning
- b9d3c92: [HttpFoundation] fixed session restart on PHP 5.3 and removed some useless code
- 111b194, 99369a2: [Console] added information when an error occured during validation of an answer of a question
- e3a4cdc: [DependencyInjection] removed duplicate declaration in PhpDumper
- db8a3ae: [Debug] show only unique class candidates
- 7248680: [Form] fixed a maxlength overring on a guessing
- e7b0b89: [TwigBundle] avoid risky tests
- 90b3f3b: [Twig Bridge] fixed missing space in label_attr
- 6c70bc5: [Security] fixed missing addExpressionLanguageProvider
- fb87558: [WebProfilerBundle] avoid missing method when using __invoke
- 6e10878: [HttpKernel] added deprecation log for Kernel::isClassInActiveBundle()
- 4f0aa61: [FrameworkBundle] made GetSetMethodNormalizer available by default
- 31dc672: [SecurityBundle] show the inherited roles in the web profiler
Newest issues and pull requests
- Consider removing the new trigger_error deprecation warnings
- Cache:clear fails on 2.6
- [RFC][3.0] Drop PHP templates support
- [DX] Controller as a service, favoring tags over class level @Route()
- PDOSessionHandler & update to Symfony 2.6
- Serialization of 'Closure' is not allowed
- FileSystem::copy() with $override = false can still override (overwrite) the target file
- [2.6.x] Translation Component not properly functioning
Silex development highlights
- fcb7742: simplified installation instructions
- 4a1d348: added a default port for the connection to the database
- dddd0aa: fixed Form Provider documentation
- bbb63a5: added option to disable memory spool
They talked about us
- Bundles, No Bundles and AppBundle in 10 Steps
- Unpacking Symfony2: What are compiler passes
- The Hexagonal Architecture training tour
- Results of the Sonata Admin survey
- Drupal 8: Six Reasons You Will Love it
- Using Symfony2 console the right way
- Improving the User Experience of the Symfony CMF Backend
- Finding a Real-World Use Case for Setter Injection in Symfony2
- El desafío Symfony 500 + 100
- VarDumper — новый компонент в Symfony 2.6
- A Symfony Shop Embraces Drupal 8 & Gets Down to Business
- Journey to the Center of Symfony: HttpKernel Request-Response Core
- Utiliser Wamp et Symfony avec un nom de domaine
- Why Symfony2 is music to my ears...
- Symfony2で@template指定したActionに対応するtwigテンプレートファイルを動的に切り替える
- [Symfony] [Routing] ルートの host はなるべく設定した方がいいよと言うお話
- Running Symfony2 app on Vagrant without NFS below 100ms
- Composerのインストール後にパーミッションを変える方法
- Symfony2で他のクラスを呼び出して使う
- Breve Resumen de la SymfonyCon 2014 de Madrid