A week of symfony #421 (19-25 January 2015)
January 25, 2015 • Published by Javier Eguiluz
This week, Twig introduced a new profiler extension that provides an exhaustive profiling of what's going on when rendering templates. In addition, the the service container is now considered non-fresh when any environment parameter is added/removed/changed. Lastly, the web profiler now displays the information about the HTTP status code for all profiles.
Symfony2 development highlights
- 02bc23a: [Twig Bridge] added support of named arguments
- 3a3ecd3: [HttpFoundation] fixed baseUrl parsing to fix wrong path_info
- 41c5be6: added the '-' character for spaceless on tag start and end to be consistent for block, if, set and for nodes
- 32338af: [Console] made it clear that the second argument is not about command options
- 1e4a8d5: [HttpFoundation] updated exception message in MimeTypeGuesser when no guessers available
- 4b36893: [Yaml] fixed parse shortcut Key after unindented collection
- 5dd44b6: [Console] fixed app/console list finds a namespace ambiguous if it only consists of sub-namespaces
- aa0bf6c: [HttpKernel] made the container considered non-fresh if the environment parameters are changed
- 7e19fab: [FrameworkBundle] added missing logging attribute in XSD file
- 0a327eb: [VarDumper] fixed HtmlDumper with long string
- 717c6d1: [TwigBridge] fixed bootstrap rendering when user explicitly use form_label
- f853cf2: [SecurityBundle] fixed tests where cleanup was not done properly
- 55cc507: [FrameworkBundle] removed usage of the deprecated EsiListener class in core
- 2606a6d: [Validator] fixed deprecation notice for ElementMetadata
- 09ed9b5: [Twig Bridge] removed deprecated notices when using the security service
- f089dd4: [SecurityBundle] decouple the logout PHP helper and Twig extension
- f7395c7: [Serializer] removed deprecated JSON error methods
- e2505b5: [Routing] merged instead of replaced class and method scheme/method annotations
- b0d041f: [TwigBridge] fixed AppVariable compat with older Symfony versions
- bf066da: [TwigBundle] made AppVariable compatible with 3.0
- 34ecda5: [HttpKernel, WebProfilerBundle] added HTTP status to profiler search results
- c2f3f89: [Console] added i18n support to ConfirmationQuestion
- 5e5ba39: [OptionsResolver] replaced some exception messages
Newest issues and pull requests
- [Security] Authentication providers are not typehinted
- Translator: Show fallback if found string is empty
- [Config] Configurator web UI
- [Session] Cannot set session ID after the session has started
- Better memory releasing on kernel shutdown
- CSRF Protection without starting session
- Symfony Response on 416 HTTP Exception
- [Kernel] Setting up bundle dependencies
Twig development highlights
- 5074114: FileSystem::findTemplate now applies realpath on the template filename before returning it
- 4408caa: aded a new profiler extension to better understand what's going on when rendering templates
- 6ec928e: added Twig_Environment::createTemplate()
- 3b12d55: removed the special Sandbox Module class
- 57400e2: added more hooks in Module
- 5f4377b: improved an exception message for missing value of optional arguments
- e9b8bcc: fixed determining the necessary arguments for callable functions
Silex development highlights
- 3af0b91: fixed Symfony Form Component deprecations
- 911f249: fixed Symfony Http Kernel Cache deprecations
- 12571d3: fixed Symfony Security Component deprecations
- dfc7d4d: removed usage of deprecated _method and _scheme routing configurations
- 4c01a36: bumped min PHP version to 5.3.9 to ease migration to the new validation component API
- 29013a9: removed deprecated TwigCoreExtension class (register the new HttpFragmentServiceProvider instead)
- d1cd7c1: removed deprecations for the validator provider
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